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The first time love comes your way

you are young, full of life and
think you have the world by the tail.

You get caught up in the whirlwind

of passion, of your newly found sexuality.

You get caught up in the idea

of a grand wedding, with flowers,
gowns, music, and a room
packed with friends & family.

You say your vows to one another,

with great new loving feelings.
Your wedding night is all anyone
could imagine.

The years just seem to float by one by one,

you are loving each other, relying on one another.
The paths of your lives have bonded & stayed...
tight together...

Then suddenly one day something happens,

feelings stir deep inside you...
You find life now is not the bed of roses
you think it should be.

You see the paths of your lives

have gone in different directions.
You seem to go this way ...
He or she seems to have gone that way.

You start to wonder....What happened?

You ask yourself...

When did our lives change and

begin to take different paths?
Can we find our way back to one another?
Will we want to?

One needs to ask oneself...

Are the sparks still there?
Does your heart still skip a beat when
he or she walks through the door?

Is the passion deep inside still burning

for the mate you once loved...
soooooo very passionately?
Or have they long since just become...
Cold Ashes?

Where does one put blame for the changes?

What can one do to "Fix" things?
These are all good questions.

Here are some solutions...

Look deep into your Heart...

Remember all the Loving times
you Shared Together
Remember how that Special Feeling felt...
when you first fell in LOVE.

Open your Eyes...

your Arms...your Heart,
See that Special Someone again...
for that very First Time.

Begin that Romance anew...

Find those feeling of First Love,
Find that Whirlwind of Passion deep inside,

Let the "Love Sparks" light up the dark skys...

Throw out those Cold Ashes and...
Relight those "Passion Flames" burning in you.

Don't lose the Best Thing in your Life!

Touch, Kiss, Hold, & Love one another Everyday.

Let your LOVE for one another...

Come back Stronger...
Let it Blossom & Grow ... Once More.

By....Donna Shari
Copyright...Donna Shari...1999
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