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Short Poems..... pg4

Mother Nature

A bright sky filled with cotton

softly touches a deep blue sea
where Mother Nature lives.

Love For You

With skin as soft as velvet,

and lips as sweet
as the scent of a rose,
The trouble in my heart disappears
As my love for you...just grows.

My Rock

As I walk through

the troubled waters of life
you are there... as my rock,
many times carrying me
but always leading me to a safe dock

Suffer No More

Looking tall and old

seemingly dead against a bright blue sky
it more.

Found You

Your tender fingers sooth my aching body

Your delicious voice cradles my dreams
My heart skips a beat, it is happy
It Found You!


Quiet, Still, Alone

Sitting, Watching, Wondering...
If Someone Cares.


Pure, Clean Waters Feed

As Pretty Soft Peadals Float free
Nourishment Rewarded.

Days End

Sunset comes as day ends

bright yellow, orange and red
calms still waters and jumpy souls


Shadows of darkness

hidden under a bright blue sky
yonder... still white snow
hovering so bright.

Mothers' Eye

Beautiful warm summers day

Relaxing with spry pups at play
A watchful eye, a job never ending
A hovering mom...just another day.

Loves Desire

A Beautiful Blue Sky Rises

As her Soft Brown Eyes Fill
With Love's Desires
Haunting Her Every Thought

Days Forgotten

Guide my eyes in forgotten days...

refreshing loves' desire to live...
enduring dreams...
shawdowed in shades of misty grey


Somewhere where a child laughs

Innocence is found,
While secret lover's
Whisper true love forever.

Death Feeds

A small life expires... alone

feeding the hunger shared by all.
First one...then another
cries of hunger quieted
all waiting for night to fall.

Loves Shadow

Love, like a shadow,

follows one around through life
shadowing ones soul.

Northern Clouds

Northern clouds float patiently

crossing the sun, the moon.
Hiding heaven, where hopes stay safe,
from morn till noon.

I WAS HERE LAST ON ...... JULY 1, 2002 :-)

Copyright Donna Shari © 2002
"Ava Maria"

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