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You Are

You are to me....
like the summer sunshowers are
to the thirsty flowers.

You rejuvenate me and
make me come alive.

The light wind
whispers your name to me
as I walk along
the empty beach at dawn.
The warmth of the sun
wraps around my body
surrounding me
as if I am once again
in your arms.

You are...

the air I breath,
all the nourishment
that my body desires
to survive and thrive.

I want to be with you

every minute
of every precious day.
I want to wake up, early,
next to you,
just to watch you sleep.
To gently brush your soft hair
away from your forehead
revealing your handsome face.

I want to bury my nose

in your strong chest
and breath you in,
filling my soul with your
wonderous scent.

Without you...

life is empty,
and Love...
is just another word.

I want to...

just spend the day with you,
doing nothing but being together.

Just being near you,

is enough.
Anything more is sheer pleasure.

I want you

to walk with me
along the shore at dusk,
let me watch one sunset
with you
so every sunset will be
remembered as that one.

When we are apart...

there is an emptiness
deep in my heart
that only you can fill.

You need only to call to me

and the wind will tell me.
I will come to you
at night
and fill your dreams with

You are...

the sun in my universe,
the center of my existance.

Like a moth to a flame

I am drawn to you
by my burning desires.
Burning brighter and hotter
the closer I get to you.

You are...

in my dreams as I sleep.
You have me so intoxicated
with you,
that every man I see...
is you.
I can see no other.

~~~Donna Shari~~~

Music..."Unchained Melody"
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