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  I would like to thank My friend Erik Grabski for making me want to finsh up my page. Please visit his site. Erik's BNL and other stuff page!   I would also like to thank my best friend in the world Jessica Grabski for writing down the set list and for taking me to Toronto with her!   I'd like to thank my sister Shelley, and some of our friends De-Jay, RedBeard, Seenie, Waak, Druid (and I think I might be forgeting someone here) for helping me learn html.   DreamBook, Addme, Shaun's BNL Page and so many other people, without you my BNL page wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.
[My first Page] [My second Page] [My Steve and Ed Page] [My Kevin Jim and Tyler Page] [My Lyrics Page] [My Macaroni and Cheese Page] [My Toronto Trip Page]