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The Photo Album

This picture of Hiram Odell in his Civil War uniform was contributed by E.R.A.H.S. member, Susan McGlynn. Hiram was probably born in Pennsylvania and died at the home of his son, Earnest, probably at the house at the corner of Cairn Highway and Odell Road.

The Durocher family is an interesting one. The patriarch of the family, Laurent, was born in Missouri in the 1796, educated at Montreal and settled near Monroe, Mi. He held civil administrative positions and took a part in the writing of the first Michigan constitution. The family is well documented in the Monroe area.

One son, Luke, went to Sault Sainte Marie to work on the locks and later came to Elk Rapids with his large family, many of whom were born at the Soo.

Anita Austin, of Everett, Wa., has contributed these pictures of Luke's daughter, Mary, her husband, Jesse Forrest, and their daughter, Harriet.

Mary Jane Durocher, daughter of Luke and Harriet, and daughter Hariett

Jesse Wood Forrest married Mary Jane Durocher. At some point, he went to the Yukon Territory to look for gold.

This picture is of Harriet Forrest, daughter of Mary Jane Durocher and Jesse W. Forrest.

Another picture of Harriet Forrest.

This picture is from a postcard that Harriet Forrest sent to her brother Laurence in Seattle. The card says "Tell Jesse (father) to write me soon. This picture is not very good it is Hellen d. your cousin and her little brother. Please send me ma's graduation dress and my album."

Hellen d. may refer to Helen Duchaney and her brother, Wallen.

Two pictures of Harriet and her son, Earnest

These unidentified ladies may be sisters of Mary Jane Durocher. Anyone with information may contact me or Anita Austin at

Be sure to send your great photos in, too!

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