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Welcome to the music section of the site. I really have no  idea what format this will entail but, here it is. I think it is important to know what music that we are into so the people gets an idea what will be in this section. I'll make a list, because it brings happiness and joy to children everywhere.

Matt- Thumb, Stabbing Westward, Primus, Man or Astro man?, Radiohead, Silverchair. (there's more)

Wyatt- Smashing Pumpkins, Incubus , Coal Chamber, Blindside, Gravity Kills, System of a down, From Zero, Fear Factory, Ministry, Disturbed, Ultraspank, Spineshank, Cold, same as above. (there's more)

Davis- faliure, Primus, Weezer, Local H, Man or Astro man?, Silverchair, Foo Fighters, Deftones, Millencolin (there's more)

Stan- It is impossible to list. really. Stan has engulfed his life into music, he gets new cd's every week. All i can say is he likes victory records a lot and HARDCORE, HARDCORE, HARDCORE.


Blindside  BLINDSITE
Thumb  THUMB
INCUBUS   Magic Medicine
Ultraspank  ULTRASPANK
Man or Astro man?  Man... or Astro-man Intergalactic Interface
Smashing Pumpkins  Smashing Pumpkins
Coal Chamber   Coal Chamber
Stabbing Westward  Stabbing Westward

this Week
the deftones

White Pony


   The deftones hadn't have had an album out in like 3 years or something. I dunno im not good at math when ever 1997 was. all right.  I bet you want to know what it sounds like. I like it. I think it sounds great. The thing about it is......well it isn't as heavy as there previous albums, but the songs are just as good. You can tell that they worked on them, it comes out in the music. Now don't get me wrong, there is a heavy  as fuck song on there called elite. I love that song. Chino, plays the guitar now. It doesn't effect his beautiful beautiful singing. all right here is what is wrong with it. You can tell that it is over produced, not as if there is anything wrong with that. Condirdected myself...tee hee. Still I kind of miss the all right lets plug in our instruments and do this, side of the deftones. Maynard is on it on one song. Passenger. Those 2 tenors sound nice together. Chino and Maynard compliment each other nicely. The whole album has this mood too it. This evolutionary mood. I can't really explain it. I guess you would have to buy it to know what im talking about. I think its good though. Oh and if you buy the cd, it has all this extra Cd extra shit on it. So yeah. If your a deftoes, hardcore fan to the death, of course a 10. If you like the deftones, for there adrenaline (hehe) then a 8. If you don't like the deftones then why do you care. If your totally into hardcore shit and anything somewhat slow or mellow sucks automatically is a 5. all right now in my opinion its a 9.




The Smashing Pumpkins

Machina the machines of God

Well it's out. It's been out for awhile now. First thing you need to know about Smashing Pumpkins. Im a huge fan of them i have 26 of there cd's/singles/imports/boots, and I still have a very difficult time standing Billy Corgan's voice. I love the guy as an artist just sometimes it gets to me. So if you don't like whiny voices, just stop reading this. I put it in and I liked it right away. Machina the machines of god, was worth the wait to me. The first couple songs are good. Real good. It defiantly screams a Smashing Pumpkin album. There are acute differences i hear though. Like in Adore, there was a lack of solo's. It isn't heavier by any means, but it is much more guitar driven then Adore was. One particular song that grabs my attention was Heavy Metal Machine. This song talks about how rock is dead and will it live on if the people who make it die. I love this song it has an awesome guitar part. There are some songs that only people who love the Smashing Pumpkins could appreacatie. In other words, if you didn't like Siamese dream, then you wouldn't like those few songs. Pretentious tittles, riddled lyrics, it is definitely classic of the Smashing Pumpkins. Overall i like it, but if you have to grow to like Smashing Pumpkin songs, don't bother getting it, but if your a fan who feels that Smashing Pumpkins lost faith in rock music , buy it now. Personally they can pit fart on a snare drum and i'd buy it an a instant.  I give it an 8, a 10 for Pumpkin fans.

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