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Controlling Media Machine

Media Controlling Machine


Historically the control and the manipulation of political opinion has been the freemasons main weapon in getting control of countries and states. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of the country, laws and political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda. However, since restricting the body does not mean restricting the mind, the freemasons recognizes that their plan for a global government hinges on completely subduing the masses to their agenda and thus eliminating opposition to their cause and the greatest threat to plan posing more danger than any army or law is the threat of a free thinking mind.

In order to eliminate this threat and to achieve their objective, the masons have set about the bravest plan ever devised, the complete control of every aspect of human life----your life, and the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes entertaining you and your children, gradually indoctrinating you without you ever realizing.

In today’s society people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media, television, cinema, computer games, the internet, popular fiction and popular music are an integral part of our lives, yet these provide a vast expense on information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind. Information on society ranging from ideals and morals and the difference between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structured is past before you every single day. These media play a significant role in providing the basis that determine an individuals view of the world and everything that exist, thus anyone group in control of this information placed on this media will in affect have the power to indoctrinate practically the entire populous of the world to their way of thinking and it is this fact the freemasons are exploiting.

The masons are using the music industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking either openly or subliminally. The methods they use very but the goal is the same, to pose their beliefs, their ideologies and their objectives on you in such a way you begin to think of them as your own. Evidence of their presence in popular entertainment is wide spread. Masonic involvement in the music industry is not a new thing held as one of histories great composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a freemason himself composed a symphony which was an open display of freemasonry. The symphony is based on a story taken from ancient Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osris. The pagan rites of ancient Egyptian mythology form through the kabala of the fundamental aspects of freemasonry. It is from this same pagan origins of Egypt that the symbol of the one eye stems.

Evidence of the freemasonic presents is also commonly found in popular music of more recent times. Michael Jackson held today as the King of Pop regarded as the great entertainer of all time responsible for producing the best selling album in the world may not be known to be linked with the freemasons. However, the cover of the recent Dangerous album has some interesting features on it. The freemasonic symbol of the one eye can be found and also a picture of a watery lake behind which lay burning flames. It seems anyone entering into the water would really be entering into the fire. The cover also has on it a picture of a bald headed man well known to the ukhold crowd as Alexter Crowley, himself was a freemason who became a satanist and wrote the book The New law of Man which is stated it would one day replace the Quran as the law of man. Links between freemasonry and the occult do not end there. The products of the masonically controlled music industry are saddled with subliminal satanic messages.

Backtracking is the means of placing recorded messages into soundtracks in such a way that they only become intelliable when the track is replayed backwards. When it is played forwards, however, the listener would be totally unaware that a message is being played. Although the person may be unaware, the subconscious mind can pick up and understand the messages and in the long term these can be stored in the subconscious mind and may actually affect the persons behavior or judgment. In many ways backtracking is a form of hypnotism or brainwashing and has the power to very destructive. The first form of backtracking is from the famous female artist Madonna. It features on one of her most famous albums and is taken from the song Like A Prayer. Played forward the song sounds like this, “ When you call my name its like a little prayer. I’m down on my knees I want to take you there. In the midnight hour I can feel your power.” However, as you will here it is not God that the prayer seems to be directed at, but satan. When played backwards the words ‘oh here is satan’ are closely audible. “Here is satan....” The freemasonic one eye has also been featured on the video for one of Madonna’s songs were Madonna actually appears with the one eye coming out from her forehead. Madonna also appears on the video for one of her songs were she’s standing on some writing. Closer examination will reveal that this writing is actually Arabic, the language of the Quran.

Another example of the backtracking is taken from the group The Eagles and the song is Hotel California. “Mirrors on the ceiling, champagne is on ice and she said we are all just visitors here of our own device. In your masters chambers they gathered for the feast they stab it with their steely knifes but they still can’t kill the beast. Last thing I remember....”, and now the song backwards. “...yeah satan..” The words yeah satan can be clearly heard when the song is played backwards as well as containing this message the song itself is a story in its own right. The California of the song is not a hotel but is actually a street in America called California. It is on this very street that the headquarters of the church was founded, but it was not the type of church that one may think. Instead it is the church that some have called the church of satan.

It was headed by Antanis Santanini, the author of the Satanic Bible, which appears the teachings of this church may have became the integral belief of many famous personalities in the entertainment industry. From Rock groups to more main stream artist. Some have gone as far as promoting the church in its beliefs. One alleged is the leader of the Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger, who wrote the song Sympathy for the Devil. It seems that what originally started as a Christian organization later turned into a heretic religion even for the Christians and now has satanic elements mixed in. The entire entertainment world is rift with evidence of the freemasons presence.

Openly or subliminally their agenda and belief and ideals are propagated. This especially evident within the film industry on the big screen and the small screen from big budget Hollywood films to simple cartoons, the masons have not left anything to chance in promoting their message of a global government.

Matt Groening the creator of one of the most popular cartoons series in television history, The Simpsons, is a self confessed antagonist. Matt Groening has openly said that he wanted to get his own political ideas across within his work, but he wanted to do this in such a way that people would find it easy to accept his ideas and the means he chose to this was a clever little cartoon called The Simpsons. So what exactly is the Simpsons teachings us and our children? These include disregard for authority, either parental and governmental, that bad manners and disobedience is the way to obtain status amongst people and that ignorance is trendy and cool were knowledge is unfashionable.

However, what is especially warring is the masonic undertones of one episode in particular. The episode in which the father figure of the family, Homer Simpson, becomes obsessed with a group called The Stone Cutters or should it be called the freemasons. Upon joining the group his fellow members find a birthmark on him . The mark that makes the rest of the group declare him to be the chosen one. “You are the chosen one who the sacred parchment prophesied would lead us to glory.” But with his new found honor and dignity he, Homer Simpson, fools himself into thinking that he is God. “I always wondered if there was a God and not I know there is, and its me.”

Some may dismiss it as nothing more than a children’s cartoon, a bit of harmless fun, but the influence it has on the audience makes it a very effective means of propaganda, indoctrinating the people without them really realizing its very creators admit that they are proproganding their political ideas to the audience in a covert manner. Ideas spread through the domestic television can reach a far wider audience than movies and cinema and it is through this media that a new concept is being introduced, the concept of one global leader.

Famous for his novel The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling another freemason wrote a book The Man who would be King, which was later made into a big budget Hollywood film starring the likes of Sean Connery, Michael Kane and Saed Jeffrey. The book is a story of two soldiers that journey to a country on the edge of India. A country that once was rumored to contain great riches, that once belonged to Alexander the Great. Upon reaching the country the two soldiers are captured by the local inhabitants, a people called Karfirs, named after their country, Karfirastan. When the two men are about to be killed a necklace is discovered around the neck of one of the soldiers. Engraved on it is the masonic symbol one eye. The Karfirs revere him as their God and attribute to him the divine attribute of immortality. The man himself first regards himself as a king and then with his new found power begins to regard himself as really a God.

From the Muslim perspective, if not that of others the similitude that can be drawn from this story are very interesting. The Muslim scriptures called hadith contain many prophecies of Prophet Muhammad. In these it is prophesied that a man amiss the kafirs, which means infidels in Islam. He would be recognized by his one eye and would be made a world leader, claiming first to be King and later to being God and he will seem immortal until an appointed time.

In another film the concept of global leader and global government is strongly propagated. In 1996 the film Independence Day broke all box office records becoming the 7th highest ranking film of all time. It entranced audiences around the world with a fictional story of an alien invasion on earth. However, deep within the films subliminal messages can be found indicating the freemasonic presence and the freemasonic agenda. In the film there is a base known as Area 51. It is from here that the military offensive is launched on which the salvation of the whole world and the future of its inhabitants depends. The entrance to this installation is a pyramid on which is engraved the symbol of the one eye. The film shows the USA as the forerunner in establishing a global offensive involving all the nations of the world. An offensive that is devised, controlled and commanded by one man, one over all leader.

The film is part of an upsurge in a upsurge of films and television serials on topics of aliens, ufo’s and invasions threatening the whole of mankind. These are gradually feeling the growing interest of public unrest on the issue. This is just one of the many ways in which the freemasons are paving way of their global government. The freemasons are using a number of approaches to drive fear into the hearts of the masses instilling in them the need for greater protection and thereby the need for greater security. A need that could only be fulfilled by world wide collision government protecting the interest of all human beings across the globe.
“ I occasionally think how quickly our differences world wide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world, and yet I ask you is not an alien force already amongst us.---Ronald Reagan, former U. S. President”

Taken from the audio tape Shadows: Exposing The New World Order


The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism