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This is the fourth roll I shot; the assignment was to create a slogan and a scene to fit an already-existing product (i was very relieved that i didn't have to make up a product too!) I shot three different products:

matches - "They'll light your fire."
a guitar - "It really rocks!"
motor oil - "Penzoil: The champagne of Motor Oil."

As you can see, the candle-light I used in the matches pictures to create a "romantic dinner" scene didn't give quite enough light, but I used the tower of matches (frames 7 and 8). I used the vertical picture (7) to turn in for the assignment and the horizontal one (8) for my portfolio.
On the other hand, my motor oil pictures were overexposed by a window in the background, but I ended up using the bottle, champagne glass, and candle picture (frame 23) for both my portfolio and the assignment.

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