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How to Attract Isaac (or any other Scorpio)

Listen to a Scorpio carefully with full attention. There's no way of faking it. Scorpios always know when you're pretending, and that will be the end before there's even a beginning.
Remember an overriding Scorpio trait: curiousity. Never tell a Scorpio that something happened without including the how or why. If you leave that out, you'll be classified as either dull or superficial. Neither type gets far with people born under this sign.
They enjoy most forms of recreation, particularly water sports. Scorpios also enjoy parties, social affairs, charity bazaars, and places where they can associate with successful people.
If you get into an argument (and you shouldn't with anyone born under this sign), remember to be respectful. Scorpios are proud, and they don't believe any of their opinions should be trifled with ... even good-humoredly.

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