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Isaac Hanson, Scorpio

Isaac is a Scorpio, and there are a lot of things that motivate him.
This is a sign of extremes. Scorpio people are variously described as powerful, weak, independent, clinging, passionate, and cold. Clearly, they are bundles of contradictions encompassing the best and worst in human nature.
The key to the Scorpio personality is intensity. Magnetic, emotional, capable of exerting tremendous force, their strength is hidden in the depths. In the sign of Scorpio, the element of water is fixed, and image that suggests an iceberg or a bottomless well. They may appear impassive, sometimes unapproachable, but turbulent passions are always boiling underneath, invisible on the surface.
This is the zodiacal sign of birth, sex, death and regeneration ... areas of human existence in which a person confronts mysteries of the universe. many Scorpio natives are brilliant doctors, surgeons, scientists and spiritual leaders. Jonas Salk, Christiaan Barnard, Marie Curie and Martin Luther are among them.
Relationships for Scorpio are usually complicated. This is not surprising, considering they can be simultaneously generous and affectionate, violent and unpredictable; in their sunniest of moods, there is always a hint of imminent change in the weather. They are deeply loyal to friends but are also intensely jealous and possessive. With a Scorpio, it is usually all or nothing.
Scorpios never forget a kindness and try to repay it handsomely. Conversely, they never forgive an injury and will wait years to get even.
What all Scorpios like Isaac have in common is intensity of feeling. Emotion not only rules, it characterizes them. They are passionate in love, and passionate about everything in which they become involved: work, relationships, hobbies, causes. They are individuals painted in vivid colors; there is no such thing as a pastel Scorpio.

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