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How to Attract Taylor (or any other Pisces)

You can always interest a Pisces in conversation about the world of entertainment, art, books, poetry or dramatics.Another sure way to get attention is to discuss any topic touching on the occult, mysticism, spiritualism, and the supernatural, particularly anything about reincarnation. Pisceans who don't actually believe in it (there aren't many) are fascinated by discussions about it.
Tell them your problems. They're great listeners and their sympathy is mostly genuine.But avoid giving thr appearance of being overwhelmed by your problems. While Pisceans have an unusual compassion for losers, they prefer people who are strong and supportive, with definite goals and a positive approach to life.
Always greet them with a compliment about their appearance or social presence, or remember to repeat a flattering comment someone else made about them. Pisces soaks up flattery like the Sahara soaks up water.
Above all, be sentimental. Remember each birthday and anniversary. Pisceans are grateful and they don't forget kindness or thoughtfulness.

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