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Zac Hanson, Libran

Zac is a Libran, and there are a lot of things that make him tick.
Librans are easy to like, for they have a captivating chram, posess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. They also have the gift of making other feel important, because they are great listeners and instinctively know how to draw out another person.
Ruled by Venus, they admire loveliness in all forms: music, art, decoration and people.
Narcissistic at heart, they expect admiration. They wish to be the jewel in the center of any setting, and they have a computer-like memory which retains any compliment ever paid to them.
They tend to judge people by outward appearances ... if someone has a charming facade, they won't look any deeper. As a result, Librans sometimes fall prey to sophisticated schemers with affable manners.
The energies of Librans are focused on melding and combining with other people; they are at their best in personal relationships.
However, their main interest is on themselves within the realtionship.
Born under the sign of the scales, Librans strive for balance and harmony, and are happiest when their environment is ordered and serene. Peace is worth any price to them, and they will usually go a long way out of their way to avoid friction and dissension.
To avoid an unpleasant scene, Librans will somtimes stifle their true feelings. In fact, quite often they are not sure what their true feelings are.
Because Librans try to be all things to all people, there is a general impression that they are indecisive.
Librans like Zac are incorrigible idealists and quintessential romantics. They are affectionate, warm-hearted, sentimental and naturally optimistic.

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