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Never Forget

I'll Never Forget

Buckley Steam Show/Flea Market

I'll Never Forget his prize tool set
or how his favorite stores were the wide open flea markets.

Checking on some of his livestock

I'll Never Forget taking walks to check on livestock, crops or just to talk
or every Friday at ten o'clock you didn't make a ruckus
during his favorite show Dallas.

I'll Never Forget everyone was bright eyed when he took us on hay rides,
or to entertain he'd take us down memory lane,
there was a story for every catagory.

Headed to Betsie River

I'll Never Forget when the work was all done, we'd go camping and have fun in the sun
or go to an auction to get the spring chickens, time and time again.

I'll Never Forget
my Grandpa Stanley

©2000 Jeanette Buckhout

Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Stan
December 25,1944

~~Fond Memories From His Children
Ruth, Kathy, Louise, Denise and Stanley

Watching him run across the hayfield to help put out a fire at the neighbors and thinking how brave he was and how proud you were of him.

Listening as he sang his favorite limericks like
Peanut sitting on a railroad track, or What's
your name, Puddin' tang.

Teaching us to ice skate on Long ride a two-wheeler down the driveway...taking us sliding at night under a full moon.

Sitting on his lap watching wrestling late at night on our brand new TV.

Taking us to see Lady and the Tramp.

Making fudge and popcorn for us...cranking the ice cream freezer, he did love ice cream...churning butter...making cookies using his own ever-changing original recipe...getting banana splits at the Dairy Queen for 50 cents.

Taking us to pick strawberries..."The only place I can go to get a free breakfast!" he'd say.

Cutting down thousands of trees with his Homelite chainsaw and making countless pallets for Tawas Industries to come pick up with their semi.

Helping us with homework, especially math...he was an expert at figuring and just about everything he put his mind to.

Giving us lunch money on our birthday for a special hot lunch treat...a continual flow of nickels and dimes for tablets and pencils...dollars for spelling books and school pictures.

Giving us pets to love: Sammy Goldie, Fawny, Buster, Peppy, Old Pat.

Taking four brides down the isle, each wearing their grandmother's pearls...welcoming another bride into the family and four sons-in-laws...sending his son to serve his country in the US Army.

Pitching in to do his share of work at the Durham Adult Foster Care Home, caring for 11 ladies over the six Sunday dinners, baking and delivering a 35th birthday cake.

Having an auction sale...moving to 309 Chruch Street in Tawas...riding his bike for exercise and the scenery...picking up Mom from work at the Medical Care Facility and often having a picnic basket packed for their supper.

Never being too busy to do his best to help us...letting us make our own choices and make up our own minds...never advice when asked...telling the truth...always being glad to see us...and best of all loving each of us as only a father can.

~~More Loving Memories from His Grandchildren~~

Jeanette~The time that she used her new bottle of red nail polish on Grandpa's toes! Being the good grandpa that he was, he wore that polish for quite some time.
Matthew~When he and all the cousins were young, Grandpa took them all on a horse and sleigh ride. Soon after they get home, "Santa" arrived. Matt said, "My Grandpa has boots just like those!"
Ginger~The grandkids all standing around Grandpa, asking him to pop out his false teeth for them! It didn't take much to entertain them back then.
Shawna~Happiest memory is of Grandpa, Grandma, cousin Ginger and her playing Rummy. She wonders if Grandpa really was a card shark and let them win on purpose?
Amy~The time that she left the gate open and the baby puppies all got out of their pen. Grandpa hollard, but when he saw a few tears slipping down her cheek, he picked her up and they rocked a while in his chair. A chat with Grandpa always made things better.
Jason~He enjoyed the time Grandpa let him drive the tractor in the pallet yard. Grandpa always let you do things that your mother wouldn't.
Cory~Likes to think of the time that Grandpa and Grandma took them on a special picnic after his brother's accident. Grandpa knew how to make a fella think of the good times.
Katie~Thought it was really neat that Grandpa would let her go downstairs to play with his special train...the one that Grandma Peggy "buyed" for him on his birthday. Brother couldn't play with it, only she could!
Richard~He discovered how to turn on Grandpa's TV. Grandpa would shut it off using the remote control, Little Buddy would turn it on again, Grandpa would shut it off. Finally, he went around to the back of the set, "How does Grandpa's TV work anyway???"
~~His Other Great-Grandchildren Are~~
Sativa Ginger Rose, Anthony Lee and Morgan Rose


An arial view of the
Durham Farm/Saw Mill

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