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Michigan Humor

You might be from Michigan IF:

You have ever been sunburned and frostbitten in the same week.

You point to a spot on the palm of your right hand when telling people where you are from.

You can explain the difference between "da Yoopers" and "Trolls."

Owning a Japanese car was a hanging offense in your home town.

You learned to pilot a boat before the training wheels came off your bike.

You know that a place called Kalamazoo exists.

Someone says "down south" and you think of Detroit.

Your family breaks into violence durring the MSU/UM game.

You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

You drive 80 mph on the freeway and always pass on the right.

You have as many Canadian coins in your pocket as American.

Coast-to-Coast means Muskegon to Port Huron.

You are not fazed by a traffic sign saying "snowmobile crossing".

You bake with soda and drink pop.

You have no problem spelling names like Mackinac, Tahquamenon, and Ypsilanti.

The Big Three are either Ford, Chrystler, and GM or Domino's, Little Caesar's, and Hungry Howie's.

You know that it's usually warmer in Hell than Paradise. (actual towns in Michigan)

You go "Up North" for the weekends.

"Submarine" is a sandwitch and "Big Mac" is a bridge.

You know all the lyrics to the "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."

You visit Florida and are frustrated because the local newspapers there don't print hockey scores.

You think that having clogged sinuses is normal.

You own only three spices: Salt, Pepper, and Ketchup.

You have ten favorite recipes for venison.

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes get filled with snow.

The local newspaper covers national and international headlines on half a page, but requires six pages for hockey.

At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant.

The most effective mosquito repellent is a shotgun.

You think the start of deerhunting season is a national holiday.

You find -20F a "little chilly."

You know the four seasons: Winter, still Winter, almost Winter, and Construction.