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Welcome to Hell!

Welcome, one and all, to the Hell of Beautiful Men who Technically Don't Exist! Time to drool! I keep seeing these archives on the web that list the best looking anime men, but they NEVER have all the guys I think should be on said list... so I'm making my own. Tee hee hee... ripped pics abound. I had to steal almost all of 'em... so I'll link to a bunch of the sites I found 'em at on a later date, namely, when I update my links page. In the meantime, enjoy!

Note from Justice: These are bishonen that I find attractive, so please don't email me and tell me you think Majari is too girlie to be handsome, or that Count is just scary. I don't care... I think they're damn good eye candy. You don't like 'em, too bad. I'm doing this for my own drooling pleasure. If you wish to email me a suggestion, I'll consider it, but keep in mind that this is my reward to me for not being an absolute bitch. Thank you.

Disclaimer: These are anime men that I don't own. They all belong to someone else. Don't sue me, I'm just admiring them.

Kurama's Slice of Hell

Who: Shuuichi Minamino, aka Kurama What: Human being who was a Fox Demon in a former life, technically a Youko. Where: Kurama hails from the anime movie and Manga Yu Yu Hakusho, called Poltergeist Report in America. Why: Because Kurama is just cool. Straight A student, beautiful hair and eyes, lovely personality, demonic fox, snappy dresser...

Good or Bad?: Kurama is, in the Manga at least, a bad guy at first, then he becomes a good guy. Thank god... bad guys tend to die. Kurama needs to be around for a looooong time.

Count's Slice of Hell

Who: We only get to call him Count... his only flaw. He needs a name as cool as he is! What: We're not sure. Occupationally, he runs a pet shop. As far as we can tell, he's sorta human... but you never know. Where: From the four-part anime series Pet Shop of Horrors. Good series, REALLY good. Why: First off, he's just spiffy. Mismatched eyes, flowery kimonos, and a deep, velvety voice... gotta love it. That, and he's an animal lover. Perfect!

Good or Bad?: Never are really sure of that... I mean, he's not openly evil or anything, but alot of people die after visiting his pet shop...

Kall-Su's Slice of Hell

Who: Kall-Su, the Hight King of Ice. Wow! What: A wizzard who is nearly a hundred years old. His powers of cold and ice are phenomenal! Where: From the Manga and six part series Bastard!! I think he got stiffed in the series... he only had a few good scenes. Oh well... Why: Hot damn! o.0 You have to ask???

Good or Bad?: Oh, VERY bad. Truly a wonderful villan... gotta love 'im!

On to even more hot anime men!!! Just click here! Okay, this link was broken. Thanks for letting me know, whoever you are! Believe me, it works now... Go on, try it! I dares ya!!!