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Just a few

Okay, I told you I'd update this... so I am. Ta da... you may notice that some of the links I had previously are no longer here... this is because several pages I was linked to up and vanished. In an effort to combat the Broken Link Syndrome, I have checked each link out personally to make sure they work. HOWEVER, I cannot always check them all the time, and should another page get eaten by a black hole or something, I'd really appreciate it if you'd email me and let me know so I can get rid of the damn busted link. That, and I've stuck the Ajaba websites list under the Roleplaying List... since there were only, like, two all-Ajaba web sites.

Please Note: These links are in alphabetical order for your safetly! And my safety!!! I don't like to get accused of favoritism, so these are in alphabetical order so I don't get yelled at because John Doe's Ramdom Web Page isn't at the very top. I have organised them by category, and gone from there. As always, you don't like it? Too bad.

Link me, baby!!!

Anime Links

Art Links

Gambit Sites

Roleplaying Games [RPGs]

Links that Don't Fit Anywhere Else