John's Page

These are a few photos of my brother John. He left this life on March 1st, 2000. He was 41 years old when he lost his long battle with diabetes. John was a regular hunting and fishing partner of mine until his illness robbed him of the use of his legs and arms.

A Day on Saginaw Bay

This is John on my boat cruising the Bay. We didn't fish this time, just spent an afternoon on the water.

Bowhunting for deer

John spent many days in the woods with his bow. He lost the arm strength to draw back the arrow about eight years ago.

My favorite Picture of John

I found this picture after John's death and this is how I want to remember him. He never lost the wonderlust of childhood and delighted in the simple things of life. He could sit for hours watching ducks swim or a bobber on his fishing line. His long fight is over now. Rest easy Bud, I'll see ya on the other side.