Pictures From God's Country

Welcome to my Upper Peninsula (U.P. to us folks from Michigan) photo album.

Evening on Coldwater Creek Pond

This is a man made pond formed by an earth dam accross a small creek at our Sportsmans Club in the U.P. The pond is a place where I can watch beaver and deer in the evening and usually have the whole place to myself. This particular evening I was smoking a Cuban cigar (from the Cancun trip), sipping on a can of Miller's finest, watching the beavers cut branches and float them accross the pond.

One of the Views From the Deer Blind

If I look to the southwest I can see the tip of Cranberry Lake (to the right in the photo) through the Red Pines. The spruce and balsam across the opening is a bedding area for the deer. The open area is a typical Upper Peninsula bog which is moss and plants that form a thick mat over soggy ground beneath. The plants growing there include: Leatherleaf, Wintergreen, and several types of grasses. This is a very tranquil place that is eight miles off the paved road north of Naubinway, Michigan. I can hunt an entire square mile or more of ground here and never see another hunter all season. This is why I hunt in the U.P.

Busy Beavers

Here's whats left of a clump of birch trees west of Cranberry Lake. The beaver have really started to go to work on knocking down trees for food and building materials. A good sized beaver will sometimes weigh 50 to 60 pounds.