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Unincorporated nonprofit (501 (c) (3) ) pending By-Laws

Section 2.5. Board of Directors.

Directors shallbe elected by the Members at each annual meeting or at other, meeting held in lieu there of in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.1. or at any special meeting ofthe members held in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2. The Board of Directors shall have the Corporation, and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation, except such as are conferred by law or by these By-Laws or the Articles of Organization upon Members.

Section 2.9. Tresaurer,

The Treasurer shallbe elected by the Board of Directors, He or she shall be the chief financial officer and chief accounting officer for the corporation, Thetreasurer shall have respondibility for the care and custody af all money, funds, valuable papers and documents, The Treasurer shall report in writing tothe membership at the regular meeting or at any special meeting, when called upon, with respect to the financial condition of the corporation. Thetreasurer shall present atthe annual meetingof the membership a fincial statment, duly auted, showing receipts and disbursements of the preceding year and the current financial condition of the corporation. THe Treasurer shallperform such other duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Section 2.6. Committees.

ThePresident, with the consent of the Board of Directors, may from time to time appoint chairs and create committees as deemed necessary or desirable, with such powers as the Board or President may determine, as long as such powers are consistent with the Articles of Organization or with the other provisions of these By-Lows. Each such committee so created shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors and to the President, upon request.

Section 2.7. President.

The President of the Board of Directores is elected by and from the Board of Directors The Pesident shall preside at all meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors when present and shall have the powers duties as are set forth in Section 2.6. above and such others, if the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Section 2.8.Vice-President

The Vice-President is elected by the Board of Directors. A Vice-President shall have such powers and be charged with such duties including (to the extent permitted by law ) during the absence or inability to act of the President, such of the powers and duties of the Pesesident as the Board of Directors may prescribe or as the president may designate, In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Members and the Board of Directors when present.

Section 2.9. Treasurer,

THe Treasurer shallbe elected by the Board of Directors. He or she shall be the chief financial officer and chief accounting officer for the corporation. The treasurer shall have responsibility for the care and custody of all money, funds, valuable papers and documents. The treasurer sall report in writing to the membership at the regular meeting or at any special meeting when called upon, wtth respect to the financial condition of the corporation. The treasurer shall present at the annual meeting of the membership a financial statment, duly audited, shwing disbursements of the precding year and current financial condition of the corporation. The Treasurer shall perform such outher duties as the Board of Directores may prescribe.

Section 2.10, Clerk

The Clerk, who shall be a resident of Mich. (except that such residence shall not be required during any peried in which the corporation has a duly appointed resident agent),shall be elected by the Board of Directors. TheClerk shall have custody of the corporate seal and shall be present at and keep minutes of all meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors. The Clerk shall have charge of correspondence of the corporation, shall keep a current directory of all members and shall perform such duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe.
