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Unincorporated nonprofit (501 (c) (3) ) pending By-Laws



Section 5.1. Seal

The seal of the Corporation shill be such form as the board of Directors may from time to time determine,

Section 5.2. Fiscal Year.

Unless otherwise fixed by the Board of Directors, the fiscal year of the Corporation shall end on the thity-first day of December in each year.

Section 5.3. Execution of Writings.

Unless the Board of Directors shall otherwise generally or in any specific instance provide:

(A)any bill or note or check shall be made or signed in the name and on behalf of the Corporation by the President or the Treasurer or an Exective Director or such other officers as shall be authorized to do so from time to time by the Board of Directors; and

(B)anyother contract or written instrument shall be signed in the name and on behalf of the Corporation by the President or the Treasurer or Executive Director or such other officer or officers as shall be authorized to do so from time by the Board of Directors, and such officers so signing such instrument may also seal, acknowledge and deliver the same: Any insturment purporting to affect an interest in real estate shall be executed in the name of the Corporation by two of its officers, jointly, of whom one is the President or the Vice President if the President is unable to sign, and the other is the Executive Director, or the Treasurer.

Section 5.4. Respecting Certain Contracts

Directors, officers, and Members of this Corporation may be connected with outher corporations,or with trusts, parnerships or joint ventures, with which from time to time this Corporation has business dealings. Inthe absence of fraud, no contract or outher transaction between this Corporation and any such entity and no act of this Corporation shall be affected by the fact that a Director, officer or Member of this Corporation is pecuniarily or otherwise interested in or is a director, trustee, officer, or member of such entity, provided that his or her interest shall be disclosed or shall have been known to the Board of Directors or a majority thereof.Furthermore, in the absence of fraud, any Directorofficer or Member of this Corporation may individually be party to or may be pecuniarily or otherwise interested in any contract or transaction to which this Corporation is a party, provided that the fact that he or she is so interested shall be disclosed or shall have been known to the Board of Directors or to a majority therfit realized on any contract or transaction described above, no such Director , or officer or Member shall be liable to account to the Corporation . Any such person who is a Director may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors and may validly vote for the purpuse of authorizing, approving or radifying any such contrct or transaction,

Section 5.5. Dividend, Profit and Compensation.

No Member or Director shall receive by reason of such membership or directorship directorship, any dividend, profit, or reimbursement by the Corporation of reasable expenses incurred on behalf of the Corporation in the course of any activity for the, Corporation, by any Member, Director, or officer of the Corporation.

Section 5.6. Executive Director.

The Board of Directors may appoint an Exeutive Director who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board, and attend all meetings of the Corporation and the Board. The Executive Director shall, under the direction of the Board of Directors, have management responsibility for all the activities and services of the Corporation. In performing such duties as may be required by the Board of Directors, the Executive Director shall have such powers as are usually exercised by the executive officer of similar organizations, including the appoinment and discharge of such other staff members as the Board of Directors may from time to time authorize. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the preparation and application of the annual incom and expense budget and shall, throughout each fiscal year, administer Directors, or as from time to time amended by the Board. The Board of Directors shall have power to fix the compensation for such Executive Director. The Executive Director has the authority to fix compensation for all other personnel.

Section 5.7. Bonds.

The Board of Directors may from time to time require from anyone or more of the officers or agents of the Corporation that he, she, or they shall give bonnd for the faithful performance of duties.Any such bond shall be in such form, in such sum and with such sureties as the Board of Directors may dtermine. The premiums for such bonds shall be paid by the Corporation.
