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Husted One Day Reunion in Ithaca, MI

We only have days 'til the Husted Reunion in Ithaca, here.


Take 127 to Ithaca, Mich. go west though Ithaca on the Ithaca Stanten Road to the west side of town on the right side of the road you will see a sign Woodland City Park. The Husted Reunion will be in the front building.


The Reunion will be on The 4th Sunday in June (24th) 2012, one week after father’s day about 1PM in the afternoon.

Potluck Dinner:


Potluck dinner will be at 1PM bring a dish to pass. The drinks and meat will be furnished. Don’t forget to bring your dishes and silverware.

Blind Box Auction:


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The way this Reunion raises funds is to have a blind box Auction. So we are asking you to rape something up in a box and bring it to the reunion to be sold. I hope to see you all there in 2012.



If you need information on the Reunion at Ithaca, MI you may call Terry or Tanny Prichard No# 989 981 6715.

Husted Reunion sites

Husted Family National Assoc.Hoedown (Reunion)
All Reunions may be added to this Calendar
Your Husted Reunion here
2001 Ithaca Husted Reunion Pictures
2009 Ithaca Husted Reunion Pictures
