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Hoedown Volunteers and Board

Volenteers Needed at Husted Family Hoedown Volunteers Needed :

For the 15th annul Husted Family Hoedown July --, --,and --th of 2009.Look at the list below if you feel you can help please let us know see CArl Husted or you may E_Mail LeRoy Husted at If you have some suggestions on something new let us know we will be glad to take it in consideration. (45) Volenteers needed)

Volenteers Needed at Husted Family Hoedown Volunteers Needed : For the 15th annul Husted Family Hoedown July 2009Look at the list below if you feel you can help please let us know see Carl Husted or you may E_Mail LeRoy Husted at If you have some suggestions on something new let us know we will be glad to take it in consideration. (45) Volenteers needed)

(1) Coordinator- Carl Husted,

(2) Assistant- __________________________,

(3) Auctioneer- Carl Husted,

B Asst Russell Husted,

(4)Auction Pass out- ___________________,

(5)Auction Secretary Carol Husted,

(6) Minister- David Dickerson and Russell Husted,

(7) Church singing-

A Joice Leonard

(B) Church singing- Phil Leonard

(9) Adult Activities- LeRoy Husted,

(10) Young Adult_ _______________________,

(11) Children Activities-

(A) _____________________

(B) _____________________,

(12) Dance open,_____________________

(13) Bingo- Welma Wood,

(14) CardsTournaments _______________,

(15) Geneolagy- ______________________,

(16) Clowns-,

(A) Jaco the grate

(B) Floozy

(C) Mintie

(D) Pepper

(E) Scare Crow

(F) Toko

(G) TeKe

(17)____________________________________ ,

(18) Talent and Karaoke Show, LeRoy Husted

(19) Sun Entertainment-

A_Joice Leonard

B,Phill Leonard

C, David Dickerson

(20) Fri Supper_____________________


(21) Sat Breakfest- _______________,

(22) Sat Lunch 12am-,__________________

(23) Meeting Secretary______________________





(28) Sat Supper 5Pm-_______________________,

(29) Sat Supper 5PM- _______________________,

(30) Sun Breakfast 8AM-______________________,

(31) Sun Breakfast 8AM- ______________________

(31) Sun Potluck 1PM- _________________________

(32) Sun Potluck 1PM - ________________________,

(33) Sun Turkey roster_________________________,

(34) Invitations- Russell Husted,

(35) Yard Work- July 5-13,open

A_LeRoy Husted

B Jennie Husted





Permanent Board