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Entertainment at the Husted Family Hoedown for Young Adults in 2004

There will be a lot of activities for the young adult’s .A D.J. will be at the Husted Family Hoedown on Saturday night. We will have Volleyball and bad mitten as well as horseshoes and fishing Eugene Husted will be over the young adul'ts for 2005

Kayak racing

Yes on Saturday we will be having Kayak races agene the teen agers love this event We have two certified life gards and those with traning in CPR to help with the safty .If you plan on fishing or boating on the Lake remember you must ware life jacks so bring one if you have one as well as your fish pole

Horseshows at 2004 Husted Hoedown

We will have the horseshows open Friday and Saturday. Howard Lott has studied extensively the art of horseshoe pitching and recommends that the shoes should be pitched using a rotary action with a slight arch and adjusting propulsion based on the distance between the stakes. This technique works much better than pitching the shoe end over end using the pitch and hope process developed by Russell Husted

Fishing Contest

Scott Skriba has issued his advice on fishing (Scott has won many fishing contests). He says the best bait is the Bolivian blue eyes silver beetle. This bait is sure to win the contest. Do not kill the beetle when you attach it to the hook as it seeks out it pray paralyzing it with a deadly toxin and then attaches itself to the fish allowing you to reel it in. This bait has worked successfully on Suckers up to 200 lbs. (It is a must try item). Call Scott for the fine details.