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Gabrielle: Amazon Bard
Gabrielle: Amazon Bard

Gabrielle & Xena

Gabby's Fashion File

Gabby Gabby Gabby


Always the stylish dresser, the bard from Potadeia has modeled a myriad of different costumes over the "X:WP" four-season run. Word is, both Gabby and Xena will be sporting some new duds this season, as these photos courtesy of HBKid's Xena World Order site prove:

Gabby Gabby Gabby

Xena Xena

Know Gabby??

Gab Quiz


Gabrielle's Archangel WingsGabrielle's Sais

Joxer Tells Gabrielle He Loves Her

Kooky Kaptions

Gabby & Xena Gabby & Xena
Gabby & Xena

Gab Links

Temple of ROC


Golightly's Gabby Page

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Amazon Nation Banner Exchange

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Illusian Banner Exchange

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Gabby Montage


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