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The Hunter's Wife~Quotes

From Hercules and the Amazon Women

[Discussing Ania on the way back to Alcmene's]

Hercules: So who is this girl? Is she pretty?
Iolaus: Ania…yeah, she's very pretty. I could sit and look at her all day.
Hercules: Look at her?
Iolaus: Yeah! She's…ya know…beautiful.
Hercules: Well you'll eat better once you have wife to cook for you.
Iolaus: Well…actually Ania's not that much of a cook.
Hercules: How bad?
Iolaus: Oh… really bad.
Hercules: Well at least you'll have someone to look after your livestock. You won't have to pay a foreman who steals you blind.
Iolaus: Well….
Hercules: What, she's not good with animals either?
Iolaus: No, they're scared to death of her!
Hercules: So she can't cook, she's not good with animals…can she at least sew you some better clothes?
Iolaus: Nope, can't sew a stitch. Don't even ask me what I paid for her.
Hercules: What'd you pay for her?
Iolaus: Seven cows, three goats, eleven chickens.
Hercules: Eleven chickens?!
Iolaus: Yeah, I know! But she's got this mole right here… it drives me crazy! What can I tell ya?
Hercules: You can tell me what happened to the Iolaus I used to know.
Iolaus: Well love happened to me Hercules. Oh I don't expect you to understand it. I hardly understand it myself.
Hercules: But are you really willing to give up your whole life…for a woman?
Iolaus: Someday Hercules. Someday you're going to meet a woman unlike any other. Then you'll know what I'm talking about.
Hercules: Me? Never.

[Iolaus invites Hercules and Alcmene to dinner]

Alcmene: Congratulations Iolaus. I think marriage will be good for you.
Iolaus: Thank you. I think so too.
Alcmene: Ania's sure a beautiful girl.
Iolaus: Yeah, she is. And I ought to be getting back to her. Oh I almost forgot. Ania told me to invite you both over tonight. She...wants to make dinner.
Alcmene: Oh…
Hercules: Mmmm.
Alcmene: Dinner would be lovely.
Iolaus: Good. Then I'll see you both tonight.

[Ania and Iolaus in the kitchen before dinner]

Ania: I hope they're going to like it cause this is one of my best recipes!
Iolaus: I'm sure it'll be great!
Ania: Try it…
Iolaus: And…even if it's not…that's okay.
Ania: But I want them to like me!
Iolaus: They're gonna like you. They're gonna love you! I know I do!
Ania: Nice to know I'm marrying a smart man.
Iolaus: You forgot good looking.
Ania: No I didn't!

[An unenlightened Hercules gives Iolaus his opinion of Ania]

Iolaus: So Hercules, what do you think?
Hercules: I think there's a weird smell coming from the kitchen.
Iolaus: No! About Ania. Isn't she great?
Hercules: She's very pretty. I bet she'll give you some good looking sons.

[Iolaus trying to convince Ania that Hercules is basically dragging him along on this last adventure]

Iolaus: Well Hercules really wants me to go. He gave me this whole speech about 'best of friends,' 'last time' and all of that.
Ania: So you don't wanna go. It's Hercules?
Iolaus: Yeah, he practically begged me.

[Saying goodbye]

Ania: I'm gonna miss you.
Iolaus: It's only for a few days. Besides, after next week you're going to be stuck with me forever.
Ania: That is unless of course I marry someone else while you're gone…
Iolaus: You'd do that, would you?
Ania: I might…
Iolaus: Well you'd be settling for second best. You're never gonna find anyone who loves you as much as I do.

[Ania makes a request]

Ania: Hercules, I'm counting on you to make sure he gets back to marry me.
Hercules: Oh I'll have him back in plenty of time. Don't you worry.

[As Iolaus lays dying in Hercules' arms after being stabbed by an Amazon]

Iolaus: Tell Ania…how much I wanted…to be her husband.

From Hercules and the Maze of the Minotaur

[Iolaus muses about single fatherhood]

Iolaus: Ya know I never would've thought it'd be so difficult being a father and a mother.
Deianeira: Ania'd be so proud.
Iolaus: I just wish she could see me, that's all.