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Russellville, Kentucky Bank Robbery

March 20, 1868---Six members of the James-Younger Gang rode into the town of Russellville, Kentucky. Just outside of town was a seventh (and possibly an eighth) member of the gang, kind of a "reserve" member. The six men rode to the Nimrod Long Banking Company. Four of the men dismounted while the other two stayed mounted on their horses in front of the bank. The two men mounted on their horses outside were George and Oliver Shepard. Three of the four dismounted men, Jesse and Frank James and Cole Younger, entered the bank. The fourth dismounted man, John Jarrette, walked to the back door of the bank. Three bank employees were inside, Bank President Nimrod Long, Clerk Hugh Barclay, and Cashier T. H. Simmons. Simmons and Barclay were in the back of the bank eating a meal. Long was at the bank's counter. Cole walked up to the counter and asked Long to change a 50 dollar bill. Long told Cole he thought the bill was a counterfeit. Cole then drew his pistol, as did Jesse and Frank. Cole told Long to give him all the money in the bank. Long made a dash from Cole. He ran to the back door, where Jarrette was at. As Long reached the door, Jarrette stepped inside and pulled his pistol. Just as Long ran past him, Jarrette fired. The bullet hit Long's scalp and Long dropped to the ground. Jarrette thought he was down for good, so he entered the bank. Long was not down, so he got back up and ran out the door. Outside, he saw the two Shepards. Oliver and George took out their pistols and shot several times at Long, all of their shots missing. Long then ran to safety. By now, the men inside the bank found Simmons and Barclay in the back of the bank. They held them at gunpoint and forced them to put money into wheat sacks. After the wheat sacks were full, the four robbers left the bank and mounted their horses. As the six outlaws began riding out of town, firing their guns in the air, a young citizen named O. C. "Matt" Owens, ran after them with a rifle. He fired a shot at them, but missed. One of the six outlaws then turned towards Owens and shot at him. The outlaw's bullet hit Owens in the side, but didn't kill him. The six outlaws then rode out of town and met up with Arthur McCoy (and possibly Jim White), their backup member(s). The seven then rode away. Not long after that, Detectives D. T. "Yankee" Bligh and John Gallagher were hired for the first of many times to capture the gang. They soon captured George Shepard and killed Oliver Shepard when he resisted arrest. George would go to jail for three years. John Jarrette was soon after killed in a house fire, set by unknown men.

The photo on the top of this page is of the Nimrod Long Banking Company in Russellville, Kentucky.


Amount of Money Stolen

Citizens Killed/Wounded