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General Band Info

justin MATEER frank ANTOSZ justin GIANNOLA

The story of Joe Punk & the Villians is one that pre-dates all time as we know it. Although the band has been together for only 3 or 4 years, it is believed that the "spirit" of the band has been around for many centuries. And in all actuallity it only took a few necesary things to happen for everything to fall into place and the world to have one of the loudest, craziest, untalented bands ever playing on their front door step. These minor things include: God creating the universe, Generations of people population the earth, The right people mating (unfortunately some wrong people mated too), People immigrating to the Great and Mighty US of A, and then of course 2 new kids at school meeting one SCS "lifer".

After all the right peices fell into place Frank, Justin (mateer), and Justin (giannola) quickly became friends, although they didnt know what was in store for them. Frank and Justin (Mateer) were originally in a band called "the Sweedish Rythm Kings" with the now famous (because he cried like a girl and ran off stage) Billy Kupfer. After that they wondered if their musical careers were over. Since Justin (mateer) could sing and occasionally remeber to play the bass, and Frank could occasionally play guitar in time with the rest of the band they thought they only needed one more final peice.

Who would this Final peice be? Justin (mateer) and Frank searched high and low, for a drummer who would complete their new project for a band. Not leaving any stone unturned there was still no drummer in sight. But whats that? Who steps in? Whos daddy buys who a drum Set? In comes Justin Giannola (Googs). Since Googs was already friends with Frank and the othet Justin it just seemed like the natural course of action.

But what would these 3 strapping young lads call themselves? How about "Narcolepsy"? No! thats a stupid name. Maybe "Drowing Monna"? Wrong again. Maybe "Justin Mateer and the Pettycoats"? Well close but not enough of what they were going after. Enter "Joe Punk & the Villians". Finnaly a name that everyone can live with (even though everyone just calls them Joe Punk).

Now that they have a name how about a little practice. After only 2 years of being a band they finally got together to practice. But what songs? well, the one song that they all new and loved was the Cars- "Just What I Needed". They played it over and over and it sounded amazing. With Mateer's raspy yet melodic vocals, Franks breakneck and blistering solos, and Googs Amazing use of the 4/4 beat over and over the song came to new unspeakable levels. Since that day Joe Punk has grown into what the world has come to be the band the world knows and loves.

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