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Frank, or "Francis" as he is better known, is one sexy big haired Polish-American. He's the stupid one in the band. No one seems to mind though because he's pretty entertaining (Whats more entertaining than a moron who doesnt know whats going on?). He presently attends Henry Ford (He used to go to MacMurray College in IL but that place sucked so bad he could only last a semester). Francis was born August 14, 1982, and resides in West Bloomfield Michigan. He has 3 sisters (Letitia, Denise, and Christine) and one brother (Shawn). Francis is the youngest in the family and bears his fathers name also (well hes the III while his father is Jr). Frank is also known as "Nova" or "Casanova" He is VERY smooth with the ladies and they seem to love his big nose. Besides being so smooth with the ladies He is also proud to be 50% Polish, which is visible by the rather large Nose. Francis is also the founder of the Polish Republican Army (where he holds the position of 5 and a half star general) and the Rainbow "Buddies"Club.


CC Deville, Mick Mars, Steve Dresser, Angus Young, Malcom Young, George Young, Randy Kupfer, Kurdt Cobain, Middle Frith (thats Donald), Frank Zappa, Dweezil Zappa, Moon Unit Zappa, George Giannola, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Led Zepplin, MxPx, Face Value, Johnny Respect,The Ramones, US Bombs, Show Off, The Get Up Kids, No Use For A Name, 22 Jacks, Save Ferris, the Alkaline Trio, and last but not least the Quality Unit!
Corey Krug is my biggest baseball influence!!


Obviosly God (He's done everything for me and is always there for me), my mom and dad (thanks for doing what you did to get me here. HAHA, and all that other stuff),George W. Bush ( for getting those crazy liberals out of office), Shawn Antosz, Christine Antosz (even though I hate her fagoty boyfriend, Gary Kubiac,aka "Ace"), Denice Smith, Josh Salazar,Googs, Mater, Mr. Googs, Mr. and Mrs. Kupfer, Roady Bob, Roady Randy, Mr. David Anthony, Chubby, Grant (for all the sweet designs), Craig,Pastor Lucas Hanes, ________(this spot is for someone who has been an inspiration for alot of songs, both good and bad. One song actually bears their name. You know who you are), Matt and Kyle at Mac, Marty at Motor City Guitar, Dickies, Converse (which has just gone under), Raman Noddles, Orange Crush, Milton Bradley (for making awesome games suck as "Twister"), everyone who supports us (which is basically just our own families), and to anyone i forgot.


*Favorite T.V. Show: Thats definately a 3 way tie with the A-team, All in the Family, and the Facts of Life (Joe was so hot!)
*Favorite Sports Team: The Detroit Tigers (Tigers in 2050)
*Favoite Food: Chee Chee's (word to my Daly's crew)
*Favorite Article of Clothing: My 94 World Cup Soccer T-shirt
*Favorite Restaraunt: Daly's
*Favorite Pop: Orange Crush in a glass bottle
*Greatest Accomplishment: Growing facial hair (even though it's not that good)
*Favorite Video Game: Skate or Die II for nintendo
*Favorite Color: Blue with Pink a close second
*Favorite Song: Misty Moutain Hop by Led Zepplin
*Faroite Cartoon Character: Baloo from Talespin
*Favorite Ammusement Park Attraction: The Tea Cups at Disney Land
*Most Cherished Posession: My baby blue Fender Stratocaster Tex-Mex Special
*Favorite Lyric: "Only in dreams" - Weezer
*Favorite Book of the Bible: Job(what a man who new his place with God, and all that God had done for him)
*Favorite Body Part: Forearms (the Bigger the Better. i like 'em like Pop eye)
*Relational Status: Refer to my bio
*Favorite Show Attended: I saw MxPx at the Main Event in Toledo Ohio with my friends Craig, Josh, Googs, Joe. It was awesone!
*Pet Peeve: People who say "wicked" and "soda"
*Favorite Movie: Mr. Baseball and The Blues Brothers