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Justin is "the Italian Stalion". Or better known as Googs. He is supposed to be the smart genius boy in the band, he makes the web page and fixes all the equipment. He goes to the University of Michigan and is studying computer engineering. U of M is in Ann Arbor Michigan, the coolest city in the world. He is searching out his mate and his education at the most expensive public educational facility in the United States. Because of this, his parents are now offically poor, because as a white male it is impossible to recieve any form of financial aide. He was born March 15, 1982. When not at college Justin resides in Farmington Michigan. He has only 1 sibling, his little brother Cory (George). He is the older child and has recieved next to no spoiling and has to take care of himself now (accept for all those pesky little gifts his parents buy him). Even still he knows his parents love him and want to see him succeed they just choose odd ways to show it. Justin couldn't buy a date, but that's cause he's absolutely broke after buying a new drumset. Well he can if its with the right person. I guess he'll have to depend on his dashing good looks and icredible charm. But that and $1.25 will buy you a cup of coffee. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. Ladies if you are interested he is available and open minded (although being a Christian is not debatable). Justin is one of the original members of the Rainbow "Buddies" Club, known as "Rainbow Boobs" don't ask.


Rikki Rocket(ok not really), Tommy lee, Jose Medeles, Pastor Tom Elmore, Yuri Ruly, Adam Long, Dave Grohl, Rick Allen, Joan Jett, Roger Taylor, Eve 6, Randogg, Boy, Josh S. my bro, Phil Rudd, Lars Ulrich (Napster rules, you suck), Bonzo, Ringo Starr, 30foot fall, Jimmy Eat World, The Get up Kids, NOFX, Travis Barker of Blink, and all you other indy drummers that keep the spirit alive.


First and foremost I need to thank God. He's taken care to breing me out of the worst situations and has given me music as a why to let steam off. Then i gotta thank my family for always supporting me no matter how hard they push me. I also want to thank the rest of the band. Mr. B, Steve D., and the rest of Face Value, Tristan, John, Ryan, and all those other part time members of Quality Unit, all the rest of the SCS crew. I also want to thank these great bands Tucker, The Coedepents, all those other indefest bands, and Wrath of Stacie and The Rubber Band, and of course Ryan Buhr of Quality Unit is my drumming Idol.


*Favorite T.V. Show: The Simpsons
*Favorite Sports Team: What's Sports?
*Favoite Food: Anything edible (especially Italian food)
*Favorite Article of Clothing: My birthday suit
*Favorite Restaraunt: Crazy Jim's Blimpy Burger (Ann Arbor MI)
*Favorite Pop: Squirt
*Greatest Accomplishment: Not dissapoiting my parents too badly
*Favorite Video Game: Mike Tyson's Punch Out for NES and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
*Favorite Color: Baby Blue
*Favorite Song: Season for Loving (The Zombies)
*Faroite Cartoon Character: Shaggy
*Favorite Ammusement Park Attraction: Bumper cars
*Most Cherished Posession: My drums: Translucent green Pearl Masters series
*Favorite Lyric: I'm joining GSF, I've made up my mind - MxPx
*Favorite Book of the Bible: Daniel
*Favorite Body Part: Tongue
*Relational Status: Single, and lookng to mingle (stupid rhyme provided by Mateer)
*Favorite Show Attended: I saw MxPx at the Main Event in Toledo Ohio with my friends Craig, Josh, Frankie, and Joe.
*Pet Peeve: People who do anything to achieve a better view in the public image (the prep mentality)
*Favorite Movie: Can't Hardley Wait, word to my dogg Special K