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Justin is the "Hunk" of the band. He's the one who the girls come to see. If this whole punk thing didnt work out we was going to join a boy band.We don't really know how or why we chose him (oh yeah its his dashing good looks that draws the crowd) but since he can sing no one complains. He is proud to be an Italian-American hailing from the rich city of Farmington Hills. He is pretty smart although he couldn't get into Northwestern University(although he attends the University of Michigan which is a way better Big Ten Football school anyway). He is also the proud roomate of Justin Giannola. He has one sister (Cara) and one brother (the Midge "Andrew"). The girl he is presently dating hoggs all his band time (so we dont like her so much). Besides singing and playing bass, Justin was a 3 sport varsity athlete. Pretty much he's an all around stud.


Mike Herera, Mark Hoppus, Mike Dirnt, Flea, Madonna, Jay-Z, Josh Keilman, Josh Magruther, and Tom DeLonge


to God, my family, Jen, and the boys. Oh yeah and thanks dad for the bass, they would've never asked me to be in the band without it.


*Favorite T.V. Show: SportsCenter
*Favorite Sports Team: The Bad Boys of the Detroit Pistons
*Favoite Food: Anything other than dorm food
*Favorite Article of Clothing:my hat collection
*Favorite Restaraunt: Olive Garden with Jen
*Favorite Pop: Faygo Rock and Rye
*Greatest Accomplishment: Being white and still being able to dunk a basketball
*Favorite Video Game: Super Techmo Bowl (Sega)
*Favorite Color: Yellow
*Favorite Song: More than words (Extreme)
*Faroite Cartoon Character: Pink Panther
*Favorite Ammusement Park Attraction: The Magnun at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio
*Most Cherished Posession:My Lamby, he's older than me.
*Favorite Lyric: "You've got a friend" - James Taylor
*Favorite Book of the Bible: Ecclesiastes
*Favorite Body Part: Eyes
*Relational Status: Not Single (not even a little bit!)
*Favorite Show Attended: Donkey Punch and the Codependants at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor MI
*Pet Peeve: When People...
*Favorite Movie:The Sandlot