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Those Two Special Words

The Christmas season is fast arriving
all little children are anxiously striving

to be as good as they can be
to get more gifts under the tree.

Above all the hustle and bustle of the season,
let us not lose sight of the reason.

Has little to do with snow or trees,
just a manger with some cows and sheep.

Let's not forget those two special words,
Although hugs and "thank you"s are not awkward.

"Happy Birthday" to Jesus, happy birthday to you,
a big hug for all that you do.

Children and parents all praying for snow.
And who do they turn to? Well, what do you know!

Poem by Amy Martin

This holday season, please take time out to remember just whose birthday we are celebrating and when we are saying our "thank you"s, remember to thank the Lord for bringing us his Son. It is His birthday, but our gift! Be safe this Holiday Season, and God Bless!