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Why do people get ill, without any warning.
Slowly creeping disease or suddenly swarming.

No discrimination on nationality, age or gender.
Not always detected to make it all gone,
spreads like wildfire saying "never surrender"

Fighting battle upon battle to make us feel well.
Making us frustrated at times to say "Just go to Hell!"

Would feel great to be rid of all this disease,and send them all down to that dreaded hades.

Not only attack the bodies within, but families of those who are struck by demise.
Together as one with medical technology to help, the disease may lose strength and soon we may rise.

The struggles are hard, to do it alone. Thank God I have someone to help carry the load.

Year after year I fight to be free of this disease that's got hold of me.

My day will come for me to be victorious.
And that nasty disease will be oh so furious

Reasons unknown for why this happened to me. Will become so much clearer when it's time to meet Thee.


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