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The Enchanted Butterfly

This begins our Journey within my Realm.
Laugh, Explore, Enjoy yourself, put your feet up and make yourself at home.

呼n Moonlight's Glow

The Beauty of this tender scene evokes joyous memories in my mind.
Of summer nights long ago when days were so sublime.
Indeed I remember a melting sun,so brilliant and so calm.
It held me in its beauty enraptured in its charm.
My heart was cradled in its arms as the willow trees danced inside my soul.
And the sound of crickets in the wind lured me with their pull.
A voracious appetite seemed the night,and I longed for every bite.
I was awed by its power,then everything was right.
The stars above,the grass below,they seemed to echo such a golden glow.
And the caress of the breeze was like a lovers kiss in moonlight's shadow.
Upon every hill that I could see a beam of light seemed to shine its hue.
And with every breath I felt its calm as if I had been born anew.
Rita and Jay
This story was written for me by a very good friend.I will be posting more of his poetry, as well as my own.

The Enchanted Butterfly Prelude

I Butterfly

Tis this I see and this I know, that I should fly with the windflow
Clear and brisk without pause,
fluttering endlessly opening all doors.
To rise to rise infinitely high
standing firm is my path unto the sky--

And my magical breeze will take me away,
I have become enchantment and so shall I stay.
Thunder above me thunder below me--
I am the lightning across the sea

And so the truth shall bear forth no travesty
For I am Angel/Butterfly majesty
I spread my wings and I lift my soul,
Watch my eyes as my light unfolds.

Remember my beacon for it tells a tale
of how all who love will ride my sail.
Higher to heaven is where I glide
For it holds my heart deep down inside.

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The Enchanted Butterfly Chapters

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

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