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Anne of Green Gable's

The Beautiful Green Gables!

This is my Anne of Green Gables page. I love the movies, and the books are O.K too. (Actually, I only got to page 46....I prefer to watch it) I love Anne's optimism, and I also like the romance between Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley. So...I hope you like it!:)

Anne Shirley
(Played by Megan Follows)


"-How dare you call me skinny... and CARROTS? How would you like to be called a fat, ugly and a sour old gossip?"~Anne~

It's not what the world holds for you.....but what you bring to it." ~Anne Shirley~

"Tomorrow is always fresh.....there are no mistakes in it." ~Miss Stacey ~

"Life's to short to hold grudges." ~Gilbert~

If you'll only call me 'Anne-with-an-e' I'll try to reconcile myself with not being called Cordelia - Anne


"For a moment, Anne's heart fluttered
queerly and for the first
time her eyes faltered under Gilbert's gaze and a rosy flush
stained the paleness of her face.
It was as if a veil that had hung before her
inner consciousness
had been lifted, giving to her view
a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities

Anne and Gilbert

"Anne, look here. Can't we be
good friends? I'm awfully sorry I made fun of your hair that time.
I didn't mean to vex you
and I only meant it
as a joke. Besides,
it's so long ago. I think your hair is awfully pretty now-- honest I do. Let's be friends." -Gilbert


Gilbert Blythe
(Played by Jonathan Crombie)

Anne and Gilbert

Anne and Gilbert when they meet up in Kingsport

Anne and Gil

Anne and Gil jokeing around

Megan and Jonathan

Anne when she is upset with Gil

Anne while she was refusing Gilbert's perposal for Marriage.

Anne and Gil when they find eachother after the war.

The Addorable Gilbert Blythe!!:)

Still More to come!!!