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Thats me with Evangalist Eastman Curtis

My name is Alicia, and I'm 15.. My birthday is January 7th 1988... I'm a Sophmore at Ravenna High School.God is always #1 in my life! Um, I like the color lime green, and I also like sour candy (and grapefruit)
I like things that smell good too. like adidas Mooves! Um, I spend most of my time at my church and at school and stuff..
I play the guitar and I sing in the youth worship band at my Church. Music, I mostly listen to Worship. I like Jennifer Knapp, Joy Williams, Rita Springer..Etc..
I don't read alot (only the Bible) but I like the book "Boy meets girl". My favorite subject in school is American Government at the's pretty easy..
My dad is the pastor at Ravenna Assembly of God , so that makes me a PK (Pastors Kid)...
I have 4 sisters and 1 brother... Jessica (17), Amanda (14), Bethany (11), Graham (10), and Laura (8)..

My Parents

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