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~†~ Just A Little Bit of whats going in my life~†~


(6-14-01) Hey, How are ya doing? I'm pretty good at the moment...Um, I went to the beach today, that was fun!
We met this girl named Heather, she was nice! but then we saw Brent!
I looked over, and I was like "Thats Brent, no way" yah, so it was funny! that out of the WHOLE beach, they were where we were! quite funny! anyway, and Blake was there (Brents brother) and the girl (Heather) was like totally oppsessed with how cute Blake was!
it was really Extremly funny!:) Um, the girl like chased Blake, and told me to ask him out for her, so I did.
He was like "Just don't make me answere you cause I don't want to say anything mean" And she kept bugging him "Blake I want to talk to you" "Blake, do you like me?" and everything else.
So, they brought a ball and Heather got it from them, and was like "If you don't talk to me, I'm not gonna give your ball back" Well, Brent and Blake and there friend (I'm not sure of his name) were all talking and saying what they were going to say to her (mean stuff too) and the girl kept saying "Talk to me Blake" and then there cousin got there and so Blake was like "Thats my girlfriend" just to get the girl off of him!
ans she still bugged him...but eventully she gave the ball back (after like 30 minutes) haha! it was SO funny!:):)

(6-16-01) Yah.... Today I didn't do much. We went to the beach again for about 2 hours, and then Amanda and I went to the store and the Ice Cream Station, and we just got back from the store...we saw Cheryl V....Yesterday Cheri Spencer and Anne Frost both had there babies...haha, it was really funny how they ended up haveing them on the same day! Yah...Well, I'm going to work on my webpage a little bit more, and then probably go for a walk.....

(6-17-01) Hey....Well, Today was a pretty good day....We had church (which was AWESOME!)then I went out to eat with Kari, then we had church again which was AWESOME again:) We had really good services today! and I am SO excited to see what God is going to do next!:):)Oh! and we had a special speaker today...Apostle Supaya here! he was REALLY good! :) Well, sence it's fathers day and I haven't even said anything to my dad yet....I will just go home! OH..guess what? My mom is going to be back from England(she went there for vacation and she has been gone for about 12 days) IN 2 DAYS!!! YAY! Ok...:)

(6-28-01) Yesterday was AWESOME!! we had a really good youth service!! it was REALLY cool!:) and it's gonna be the last one for me for 2 weeks......cause next week is the sleepover at the Shears (the 2nd through the 7th) and so were not gonna have church next wed....and then the next week is CAMP!!!!! I can't wait! :):):) My dad said I could bring a video camera! That would really cool! and I'm going to ride with Central A/G there and back.....(I'm so EXCITED!!) :)'s gonna be fun!:)

(7-7-01) Ahhh! Camp is in 2 days! :) I went shopping yesterday and I'm gonna go again today! this week was fun (at Gary's) I went swimming, went on there tire swings, played volleyball, we played this fun game in the woods, like with hideing people and stuff, it was fun. and I did alot of other stuff! it was fun! but next week is gonna be even funner!!:)CAMP!!! I'm gonna put pics on here from it, and I'm going to bring a video camera!! aHH! Ok...Well, anyways...I'm really looking foreword to church tomarrow! I LOVE CHURCH!!!!:) I just am SO excited for church! I just love God SOOOO much!:):)

(7-15-01) Key, I'm back from camp!! IT WAS SO FUN!!:) I can't wait to see the tapes! but really, I'm glad I'm back, cause I really missed our church! I mean, the services were good (at camp) but not at all, AT ALL what our church is like! and I'm so glad that I get to go back tomarrow!:)(to church:):) AHH! can't wait! Yah, I had an awesome time! we played alot of games and stuff (we lost EVERY single one of them!haha!)my favorite was POWER BALL!:) but it was still fun:) and we got in 4th place out of 12 so that wasn't bad at all! LIGHT BLUE!!!:):)Yah, and I won last year, so I figured someone else should! (ha, not that I could have made us win):) No, but I really had a good time:):)

Hey WOW! Today we had AWESOME services!! We do every week, but today was just good!!:):) I LOVE CHURCH! :) Yah, Well, I'm really tired, so...Good night! :)

(7-24-01) Hey..... Today were going to the new mall cause Jessica is going to get some aplications.....Ben, Luke and Becky are all trying to get jobs there too! Yah...And I don't know what else I'm doing....I'm going to watch my camp tapes!! there so exiteing!!:):) I can't wait till PK Retreat!!!:) And we have youth group tomarrow! Which I know will be good!:) So,I guess there isn't much going on this week....but in 2 weeks I'm going to my grandma's house!! I don't know how fun that will be, but hopefully I'll have a good time!!

Hi... yesterday was an intresting day! Kari (my friend) and her brother Kory got into an accident...She was rideing there 4 wheeler, and he was rideing there dirtbike, and they crashed...Kari hurt her wrist and got brused up, and Kory broke his leg and had to have surgery! so yesterday I went to the hospital to vist them..Kory was just wakeing up in recovery when we left! I feel bad for know? Yah, and so it's been FUN! :) But!! You know what? God is bigger!! and they will overcome this!:):) And on saterday were going hopefully that will be fun!:):)

(8-2-01) Hey..... next week I'm gonig to my grandmas..haha! (FUN!!) :) no, I found out that now I could have worked at camp, but now my grandmas already getting things ready for me to go there and stuff! UGH! I'm upset...haha!:) Well, yah....haven't done barely anything...last night Anthony and Jay (peeps from down the road) came over and today we took a walk and then we stoped at there house...GREAT fun! haha!:)

Hey!! just got back from the canou trip....It was fun the first day, but the second day I got sick..I was like throwing up and stuff...pretty nasty..haha!:) But I still had fun!:) And my grandmas was O.K too...I got to see some of my friends, and she took me It was O.K! I'm still sort of feeling like I have to throw up...but I will get over it....Tomarrow I think we are going to the new mall (Kari, Jessica, Megan, and me) yep...hopefully...haha!:)


Hey..... Well...I guess I haven't wrote on here in a while....
Well, we had our "Family Fun Fest" last week ...that was fun (except it rained really hard at like 3:00pm) then I went to the "Unity 2001" with my friend Megan, that was fun. I met Clay Cross and got his autograph and I talk to Tammy Trent (She some how knew about our Family Fun Fest) Cause:
Kari: Do you know who we are?
Tammy Trent: Um, where ya from?
Me: Ravenna
Tammy: Oh yah...didn't you have a big thing going on today?
Me: Yah..our Fun Fest..
Tammy: did that go?
Me: Good! Except it rained
Tammy Trent: Ohhhh...Well, Tell everyone there I said "Hi"
So everyone here: TAMMY TRENT Say's "Hi" :):) Yah...and saw ALOT of people I knew there (at Unity 2001) it was fun...and Avalon was there too..... Well....I'm going to school this year!!!!I'm pretty excited....I'm going to MTA (Muskegon Technical Academy) and a few of my friends are going from my church so it should be fun! So...this is my last week of nothing..haha! School starts Sept 4th AHH!!! close!!:):) haha! to ya later.......

Hey... School is O.K! I don't really like the people there...but I do like some of them...Umm...Last night I went bowling:):) That was fun...even though I scored pretty bad (haha, 27 the first game and 47 the second one) I went with Kyle, Amanda, Luke, Ben, Matt and Brian:):) IT was fun!! Then today was Church:) I really love Church!!:):) and can't wait till tonight!!

You know what? I'm so happy I don't have to go to that stupid school I was going to (muskegon technical acadamy) IT was so dumb!! Ravenna is alot better! We went to a football game last night...that was fun:):) today I doubt were doing anything (but thats O.K..I'll just sleep all day:) So yah....and I have homework!! Yay!:):)

(11-29-01) Hey... Ravenna is much better, I actully like school. I'm getting all A's and B's!:) and I'm getting a First Priority started!:)I'm so tired though! Well, I'm really tired, and I can't think of anything else thats going on right now....except that tomarrow is FRIDAY! I LOVE Fridays!!:)

Wow....It's been a while sence I have written on this thing.
Well, I'm on Christmas break, and sleeping in is great!!!:):) But for some reason I keep dreaming about school (pretty annoying):) I had a good Christmas and I'm looking forword to new years cause were going to a new years eve service, and that should be fun:):) This marking period (At school) I'm on the Honor Role for all A's & B's. I only had 1 B (in math) The rest were A's. Today my parents are leaving to go visit relatives, and Jolene is comeing to stay with us, (Even though we really don't need her to, I wanted her to.) So yah..Great!!:):)

Ah..Today hasn't been all that great...It was a snow SCHOOL!!! that was exciteing, but I'm's not all that great!:):) Yah...and we might go to a basketball game tonight...that will be fun!:) Yah, Guess what? This marking period, I got All A's and B's again...But, I only had 1 B, and it was a B+ in Math...Yah...I could have been on the all A's, but no...haha! I'm not to fond of math...:):) (I really don't like it!) haha!:) But thats alright...
I have homework..but...I really don't feel like doing guess I'm not going to!:) haha! (I will later)Anyway.....GREAT FUN!!!!

(5-12-02) know what I realize every once in a while? How much God really does love me. Though I;m not perfect, I make mistakes, I do stupid things, but God is so merciful, and so awesome, that he is right there to comfort me. My life's goal is to fufill the plan that God has for my life. I want to be so hungry, so passionate about Christ. Not just talk about it, but in my heart, really long after the heart of God. He has put some awesome people in my life to teach me things. I honestly don't care how stupid people think I am, because I don't live for them, I don't live to please men, I live to please the one who created me, the Savior that can't let me down. :):):)