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These are some pictures from Megan and Kyle's Christmas party (on Dec 8th 2001) I was really tired when I put these pic's on, so the caption things are more then lame! haha!:):) But anyways.. there are alot of pictures, so it will take a while to load! :):) Merry Christmas!!haha! I'm a dork!

It's Kyle (even though you couldn't tell) I think he is trying to be as cool as Megan..haha! Tough luck!:)No..J/K!!:)

What is it with these boys and nintendo? I don't even really think it's all that great..I only like the car raceing ones:)

It's rudolph!! No way! haha..I love that guy! haha! No, it's really just Megan. (Ha! like you couldn't tell!:)

You gotta love Loehme! He even just looks cool!:):)

Andy, just stting there being quit, like he always is!

NO WAY! Kari is eating!!! What a SURPRISE!!

Megan is probably sick of all the plublicity! Being rudolph is a pretty demanding job! (haha! I can't spell, and don't you love my LAME captions? ha!)

Just another pic of Kari and Jessica

I don't even know why Luke was in the closet!:) But he has his tweety bird, and thats all that matters!

Kari, haha! I think she looks like she's frusterated...haha! who knows!!

Um, I think he's trying to be a fish! haha!

Woody, I think he would be a good Santa..haha! He just needs to put on a few pounds! haha!

'The Prized chocolate' haha! All the boys are chowing down on Loehme's chocolates!haha!:)(It was pretty good)

Kyle, and I really don't even know what he's doing. I think he might have been going to put a cd in the cd thing.haha! I don't know:)

Megan, what a cutie!!

"Loehme" He's playing nintendo...uh, great fun!

Megan,Jody, Jessica and Kari. They were Makeing bracelet things with Kyle's string. I made one too, except I couldn't do it cool like them, so I just braided it:)