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These are my teachers,I think my favorite one is probably Mr. Meerman..He is hilare! He has the best's Great!!!:)

This is Mr. Herremans....He's my Math teacher...Which I will never..NEVER have a career that involves this subject!( I know that limits me...but, ya gotta do what you gotta do:):) Euak!

Mr. Dunnuck...History...My favorite subject..And just thought I'd let ya know...Math is my most unfavorite subject!!:)

Mr Crowell is the one sitting down...he wouldn't let my get a good pic of him...

Mrs. Fortenbocker is my science teacher..I like her...she's pretty cool!:)

Mrs. Fortenbocker didn't want me to take her picture either..:)

Mr. Meerman in class...This is English (last hour!):)

Mr.Meerman eating lunch:)
