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Biography of Geri Halliwell


Geri Halliwell is a great entrepreneur and an incredible role model to women of all ages, and races. She has overcome an astronomical amount of obstacles and is a huge success story. Geri fought extremely hard to achieve FAME and FORTUNE.

Geri Halliwell was born August 6, 1972 in Watford, England to Ana Maria Hidalgo and Larence Francis Halliwell in Watford General Hospital. Geri lived on Jubilee Road in a two-story semi, that had a flat front set back a few feet away from the road and was plastered in pebble dash, with a stamp sized back garden and a garage. Geri had four siblings, Natalie, Max, Paul and Karen. Paul and Karen were her half brother and sister a result of a previous marriage her Dad had.

Geri' Mom Ana Maria Hidalgo was one of seven children born and raised in a small Spanish village in northern Spain. Geri describes her as stunning in her youth. She had long, thick, black hair, high cheekbones, a petite figure and a height of five foot one; which explains Geri's five foot two height. Ana Maria Hidalgo went to London on her twenty-first birthday, to seek work in the house cleaning business, but while doing this she met Geri's Dad.

Larance Francis Hallliwell, Geri's Dad, was forty-four when Miss Hidalgo met him and was nearly fifty when Geri arrived. He was born in Liverpool in 1922. He raised by his mom and his step-dad. He was a car dealer and by the time Geri arrived he was out of work with a blown-out hip.

Geri attended Callowland Infant School Walter de Martin Junior School and then finished her mandatory school years at Watford Grammar School. I was in these years her aspirations of being famous blossomed. She fell in love with Elvis, Madonna and George Michael! She loved to act and sing and her Dad was always very supportive and would admiringly ask for Geri to sing, usually in the evening during or after dinner. Geri's mom had always told her to become a teacher or marry a rich man so that Geri could have a better life, but she never discouraged Geri, just worried.

Geri parents separated, and until other arrangements were made lived in the same house, but were in different rooms. Geri, Natalie and Max were sent to stay with other relatives until different living arrangements were sorted out. As a little girl Geri imagined that when she was famous she would buy a great big house so that her mom could live on one end and her dad could live at the other. When the three of them came back to live with their mom their dad wasn't living on Jubilee Road anymore; he was living in a high rise council flat in Garston, a rough area of Watford.

Geri, Max and Natalie were very close. Geri worshipped Natalie in every way, shape and form. She tried to be exactly like her big sister, she wanted to dress like her, talk like her and look like her especially because Geri was a late bloomer and didn't get attention from the boys, unlike Natalie. Natalie did not become annoyed with this though; instead she thought nothing of it.

When Geri finally did fill out, she hadn't had the best experiences with boys. She had her heart broken more than a few times. Unfortunately it would keep happening over the years. Geri moved out of her mom's house at age of sixteen on Friday, 25 of May on bad terms, shortly after she finished school. Geri and her mom had, had an argument about a job Geri had quit because she did not like it. Geri wanted FAME and FORTUNE not to be a phone receptionist at the hotel Hilton.

When Geri left the house she ran into trouble. She had become a hard-core raver. She would party all night and sleep all day, if the rave wasn't still going. She was constantly exhausted and got fired from a job in a movie store because of it. She experimented with sex and drugs mainly ecstasy. Her Mom and Dad worried about her and didn't like the life choices she was making. Geri was hitting bottom; she didn't realize the negative effect this culture had on her. It was at this time Geri was first introduced into glamour modeling, yet she would not pose topless because she felt quite uncomfortable, as she should have at the tender age of seventeen.

When she was eighteen Geri had a serious Breast Cancer scare and her party friends couldn't care less. Her Mom took her to the hospital, after making up and thankfully the test results came back negative. Her life had flashed before her eyes; she was so young and wanted to do so much. She started living life as if each day might be her last. This high paced life would later take a turn for the worst.

Geri was offered her first big modeling job. She was to dance in a rave-like club in Spain. Seeing the oppurnity to free herself of the life in Watford she took the job. Geri was paid well and had great friends. She started swimming twenty laps a day to keep trim. She loved her job as a dancer and kept in touch with her family. One day one of Geri's friends said, "I think you're putting on a few pounds," of course she didn't say this in a harsh way. Nobody had ever suggested that Geri was overweight. After Geri became bulimic, she didn't know what that was. She thought that throwing up her food to stay thin, but mainly to control something in her high paced life and to ease her was her idea. When Geri started to audition for other modeling gigs and plays if she didn't make it she would binge then purge her pain away.

Geri was chosen to be a perky game-show hostess for a Turkish television show. She loved the job and was a minor celebrity in Turkey, but longed to truly famous; to have he Mom and Dad watch her on TV

When Geri returned to Watford she started to attend college taking English literature and had several part-time jobs. She tried desperately to fill her life with distractions to take her mind off the dozens of bogus jobs and rejection letters.

Half way through her first semester tragedy struck Geri's life. Her Dad had died. Her number one fan, whom had supported her from the beginning, was gone. She couldn't remember what she had said to him last or if she had given him a hug good-bye. Geri sunk into a deep depression.

Geri had a hard time getting out of bed. She spotted a small advertisement on her mirror that she had saved from The Stage a newspaper that told of auditions. It told of a girl band that was being put together. It was two months late but she decided to call anyway and was excepted!

The Spice Girls rose to the top and with their slogan "Girl Power," became the role models of thousands of young girls. Geri had her long desired FAME and FORTUNE! The Spice Girls had two number one albums and a box office hit "Spice World." Geri was the cocky Ginger Spice also known as Sexy Spice.

When Geri was at her best, the media was tearing her apart. They called her names like "SAGGY SPICE" and were constantly badgering her about her weight although she wasn't fat. Geri took these blows while holding her head high. She decided to leave after the end of the "Spice World" tour. Pressure from the girls to stay was hard on Geri, but she still wanted to find herself again the good person she was before everything bad happened to her.

May, 1998 Geri Halliwell made headlines when she walked out of the most successful girl band in the world. She had indeed gotten lost behind her character Ginger Spice. She missed her Mom, Natalie and Max. She hated the schedule and had concluded to do something that bettered the world, even if it meant losing her four best friends.

Geri Halliwell is now a United Nations Ambassador, a Breast Cancer Spokeswoman and a very successful solo artist with the release of her debut, Schizo-phonic. Her two released songs have both hit number one; Micho Latino and Look at Me! Geri also has a number one selling autobiography If Only. Geri has become extremely successful and deals with women's issues, from Breast Cancer to Girl Power; Geri has helped to better the world and continues to shine brighter with everything she does!

For More Information

Geri Halliwell Planet - This page has all the interviews and music videos that Geri Halliwell as a solo artist has completed. It has tons of pictures and information about Geri.

Admire Geri Halliwell - This wonderful website includes galleries of Geri Halliwell and all of her awards. I t has numerous interviews and is a great source for any Geri fan.

Geri Evolution - This page has great pictures and information about Geri Halliwell. It has her discography and articles about her.