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Biography of Mae C. Jemison


      Mae Jemison is America's first African American woman to fly into space on the shuttle Endeavour. During a 190-hour trip she was able to conduct experiments on the biological effects of weightlessness, the loss of bone calcium in space and many other experiments. Shortly after returning to earth Mae formed the Jemison group enabling others to encounter and experience her intelligence and abilities.

      Mae Carol Jemison was born in Decatur Alabama on October 17, 1956. She was the youngest of three children and when she was three years old her parents Charlie and Dorothy Jemison moved their family to Chicago Illinois. She attended Morgan Park High School and proudly graduated in 1973. Only three years later at the age of 20 Mae was fulfilling the requirements for a bachelor of Arts degree in African American Studies and was already sitting with a Bachelor of science degree in Chemical Engineering, which she received from Stanford University. She attended Medical School and received a Doctor of medicine degree from Cornell University in 1981. While attending Medical School Mae traveled to Cuba, Kenya and Thailand providing primary medical care for the people of those countries. Mae applied to become an astronaut in 1986. She was one of 15 candidates selected from a field of nearly 2,000 ambitious astronauts. In August of 1988 she completed 1 year of training that qualified her as a mission specialist. In September of 1992 Mae boarded the shuttle Endeavour as a mission specialist and that's when Mae C. Jemison became the first African American woman to enter space.

     From childhood Mae had been interested in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Astronomy which her uncle had introduced her to at a very early age. Mae pursued her love of these throughout her adolescence and early adulthood. Remarkably this is what she became famous for.

     Throughout her career Mae has been awarded many prestigious honors, just to name few:

Aswell she is part of many Associations:

     These are just to name a few of the Past times she has aswell as her current projects which focus on improving healthcare in Africa, and teaching as a professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth Collage.

     In conclusion Mae C. Jemison completed what some people can only dream of. In some peoples eyes she is the most courageous and influential person in their lifetime. She shows us that any dream is possible if you want it bad enough and are willing to put in the time and effort to achieve those dreams and make them come true. She demonstrated this, for all of us, by being the First African American Woman in Space.

Mae C.Jemison

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Dr. Mae Jemison