The Inevitable Autobiography

The Inevitable Autobiography:Born September 3rd 1981 in Michigan and raised here my whole life, and have an identical twin sister (the oft-mentioned Pottery Sally). I'm--in no particular order--a Virgo, feminist, agnostic, geek, arguementative intellectual, and Democratic Liberal. I identify very strongly with my sun sign (although I don't do anything nutty like follow my daily horoscope), and exhibit Virgo tendencies to a scary degree. I also have a moon in Scorpio and a five star stellium in Libra, so I'm literally half-Libra, which is apparently practically unheard of. I'm an anomaly. :)

Physical Statistics: I'm 5' 2", 102 lbs (as of last weighing), with brown hair a bit past shoulder-length, hazel greyish-green eyes, and glasses. I'm short, thin, and pale. I also have a tracheotomy scar, along with numerous others, from various childhood illnesses (which is why I'm short, thin and pale). I think I'm moderately presentable, leaning towards fair-looking (I've had complete strangers compare me to Audrey Hepburn, so I can't be that bad-looking!). I am, however, very very picky about my tastes in guys (British accent notwithstanding), so please don't IM or e-mail me hoping to chat me up, or worse, coerce me into bouts of online copulation. I can spot a victim a mile away, and will gleefully cyber-castrate you on sight. If you want to chat, make use of either a brain or a spellcheck. Otherwise, leave me alone. You have been warned.

Obsessions: Xena! I'm a complete nut over that show...I've been a Hard-Core Nutball for years; I have every episode on tape, and belong to the fan club. I've even met Hudson Leick and Alexandra Tydings (respectively, Callisto and Aphrodite on the show)! I'm known as the local Xena Goddess, and know pretty much everything about the show. Ask me a question, and chances are, I can answer it.

I'm very fond of animals, and currently have a much-beloved show Pekingese named Tai, a lovebird named Pache, a cockatiel named Chicken, a pair of lesbian mice, and two female hamsters (unsure of orientation so far), along with a few random unnamed goldfish. I've had TONS of animals over the years, totalling to two dogs, six cats, ten birds, 40 hamsters (60 if you count unnamed litters), three mice, a rat, some hermit crabs, a turtle, both tropical and goldfish, and hand-raised caterpillars. I'm quite sadly knowledgeable about the care and breeding of hamsters, and may one day write a book on the subject.

Obviously, I write quite a bit, and I read like a fiend. My favorite authors include Jane Austen, Dave Barry, Laurell K. Hamilton, James Herriot, Melissa Good, Phil Farrand, J.K. Rowling, Amy Tan, and J.R.R. Tolkien. My favorite movies include Labyrinth (duh), Star Wars, Van Helsing, Bringing Up Baby, Jurassic Park (saw it six times in the theater!), Dogma, Lady and the Tramp, and anything with Audrey Hepburn (prettiest person EVER, in my opinion, and a darn good actress).

My favorite music is, well, pretty much just David Bowie. Let's face it, the man’s a genius, and that brain’s wrapped up in one very nice package, too. *purr* Pretty... I also will listen to Bob Dylan, Jewel, Weird Al Yankovic, the Goo-Goo Dolls, and possibly a few others, but I detest country and rap, both genres in which their respective music all sounds the same. I collect Beatrix Potter items, practice bo staff, and am a size seven shoe. *shrug* I've started to get scarily interested in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Trek. My favorite color is purple (although I wear a lot of black, red and silver too). Favorite foods are cheese and root beer...I could just about live on those foods, and some day I'm going to. I have a serious weakness for British accents, and have actually considered moving to England, just to be around the accents. Take an average-looking guy, slap a British accent on him, and he automatically sounds far more intelligent, and thus more attractive. One of the mysteries of life.

Personality Statistics: I doubt I'll be overly unbiased here, but anywho... I'm rather obsessive-compulsive (not in a psychiatric sense, just as a character trait...I do obsess rather easily, I'm afraid), hyperactive, nitpicky, unemotional, arguementative, logical, introverted, narcissistic (as proved by the existence of this autobiography), opinionated, sympathetic, critical, intellectual, faithful, contemptuous, stubborn, inattentive, and just an all-round stereotypical Virgo. I also have rather severe Attention Deficit Disorder (although you can't tell by reading my stuff, eh?), and poor social skills...I rarely pay attention to my environment, and often miss social cues. I'm better online than off, simply because I can interpret writing better than body language. Oh, and yes, I really do talk like this in real life. *nod nod*

Personal Crusades: Gay rights (I'm straight, but I know a few lesbians and bisexuals, being a Xenite, and am supportive of gay marriage), animal rights, and internet literacy. I'm quite vocal about all of the above.