Cast of Characters (Fictional and Non)

Freya Lorelei: Me. Duh. If you require a biography at this point, then you really need help.

Mom: My mother. Duh. I love her very much (although she can of course get on my nerves, like any parent), and I'm told we look alike. She was the one who introduced me to Lord of the Rings at age eight, although I disliked it at the time. She tolerates most of my obsessions, albeit just barely, and is rather suspicious of my tendency to latch onto the strange and "abnormal", and to seek out others like myself.

Pottery Sally: My twin sister. We get on fairly well, although she dislikes the vast percentage of my interests, and can generally be found either a) trying out for whatever production the local community theater is holding, or b) at karaoke bars with her boyfriend, performing Beatles songs and catching up with her theater friends. She does share my interest in Star Wars (at least the original trilogy), although not to the insane degree that I do.

DC, alias Justice, Anti-Kat, Shade, and a lotta other things: My best friend. She introduced me to most of my obsessions, including (but not limited to): Star Wars, Labyrinth, Anita Blake novels, role-playing, and keeping mice. I got her into Lord of the Rings, Dave Barry, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A good chunk of my personality can be blamed on her (mew!). We get along insanely well, and are often mistaken for sisters, since we tend to finish each others' sentences, and our dogs were born three months apart. DC is probably the reason I still possess any remaining shreds of sanity. She moved to Canada in May 2002 (and is now married to the lovely James), but we still regularly tie up each others' phone lines.

Brenna: My partner in slash, Brenna has a voice like Charlotte Church and a talent for horrible, horrible adventures. Weirdness follows in her wake. She's also the one responsible for the chapter You Want a Story? in my Labyrinth analysis, since she gave me a copy of the novelization she found at a used bookstore for ONE DOLLAR. You earned that free extended draft, hon. *hugs*

Sarah, alias abbagirl: She with whom I went to my very first Bowie concert. I think the combined squee reached Cleveland. I met her through Dean, and found out later that I knew her through two separate fandoms: Labyrinth and Xena. She's even a BNF in both of 'em. Go figure.

Little Magpie, alias Maggie: A fellow Labyrinth nut, I met her on a now-defunct forum a few years ago. She currently maintains several sites on her favourite subject, and has been known to fly into semi-coherent raves praising that film. If you ever meet Maggie, latch onto her and give her a hug. She deserves it. You can find the analysis I co-wrote with her here.

Philocleon: An old, old friend. The first person I actually met online, I've known Phil for nearly six years...we met on Xena Palace (now Warrior Palace). Phil has the ability to say the most astonishingly inappropriate things, and can give rant like no one else. Ironically, he's incredibly easy-going, and takes offense at nothing (right, Phil? Heh...). He is also possibly one of the most intelligent people I have ever met, with information on incredibly obscure topics.

Dean: A comparitively new friend, Dean is the only online person I've ever met in real life (with my mom, no less. Yes, she likes him. Go me). A RenFaire addict and gamer extraordinaire, he has promised to take me to a real Faire one of these days (as opposed to all those counterfeit Faires you see lying around). He was also the one that started me on Douglas Adams. Meh. Evil incarnate.

And, because I feel like it...

Favourite characters in various genres:

Buffy: Spike...'cause, well, look at 'im! Unabashedly evil and unashamed of himself. You gotta love that. Faith comes up a close second, for her twisted take on life, and her fashion sense.

Harry Potter: Lupin....'cause I identify with him AND lust after him AND 'ship him with Sirius Black. (Why yes, I DO have issues.) He's just such a Capricorn.

Lord of the Rings: Sam...'cause he's so loyal and absolutely trusting, like a little puppy dog. Brings out my nearly-defunct maternal instincts.

Star Trek: Data...'cause he's smart and innocent and can do all sorts of nifty stuff. Androids represent!* And Brent Spiner is one darned fine actor.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi...'cause he's just plain cool. "You don't need to see any identification..." Ties with R2D2, for being the most expressive character in history without getting a single intelligible line.

Xena: Callisto: Pretty, evil, and insane...what's not to love? And Hudson Leick is a sweetheart in real life, too (I met her!).

*That may be the single most frightening thing I've ever said. I apologize for that. I'll go take my medication now...