Echo of Midnight

Simple mystery waits in the reflection your eyes cast, silencing with a single word dropped, rays of darkness scattered about the room, spreading a sliver of light across the hardwood floors, all the stars fall down into the sky, openly weeping to the moon. Poppy creeps beside the misty frozen lining of the magic in your face, solitary spell that attacks my heart with fervent dedication, humming a tune I know so well, speak volumes with a single breath. Corroding the very essense of my core with the bewitching natural grace you seem to shed like diamonds, breaking time and steel with your voice, that lovely semi-delerious sound that echoes from your perfect throat, searing me with its tone, sending a shock wave down my spine, delicious in its very electricity. Thin crescent slice hung from a needle-thin strand, climb up ladder rungs to pluck a perfect star for you.