
It had to happen sooner or later. You see, most sites have a little section devoted to a thing called links: you press the link, and voila! there’s a little corner with many other links. For years, my site did not have such a corner. Oh, I hemmed and hawed, but in the end decided it would not be worth all the blood, sweat and tears to create a separate section for links. I was going to be a pioneer. However, as of late I have decided to cave in to peer pressure, and make such a corner. I present to you Electica, a collection of whimsical selections that I have found over the years to be most enjoyable. I hope you will find them as such also. Bon Voyage!


  • A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
  • I've sunk to the depths.
  • Get furry. Find out how today!
  • Labyrinth (Okay, technically a Jareth page, but the best source on the 'net.)
  • Literary snobbery.
  • Would ya like to buy a Malkie?
  • Get two for the price of one!
  • Nitpicking of all varieties.
  • Chinese water torture.
  • Are you a Pervy Hobbit Fancier? I am!
  • Rodentia.
  • Whoosh! The source for XWP, period.


  • Bowie is God.
  • Eye candy.
  • My own gaming site. Love thyself....
  • Hudson Leick. Even prettier in person.
  • Happiness is a Mushy Merwolf Moment.
  • When I grow up, I wanna be like the Shanmonster.
  • Zane Freiden Official Fan Club. Be very afraid.


  • The Almighty Guru.
  • Revel in Brenna's angst.
  • DC's sites. Yes, plural sites: Her old Bastet page (whoo, that's been a while!), Odd-EyE Wolf's fighting game reviews, Horsefeathers, her artwork, and Zoids role-playing. Zane's site is already listed above.
  • The Amazing Mechanical Gweeg's Ajaba page.
  • A Magpie's Eye View of the Labyrinth

  • Exit stage.