
While observing the sinking liquid sun that casts its shadow on the mist-torn plains, leaving an icy trail of destruction in its wake, the slippery sky spins a wonderous terrible web of smoke and sassafrass, dipping into the unquenchable thirst for knowledge it contains and defies the myth of truth or consequences, sliding on the frosty grass winking in the husky air breathing among the rocks. Coasting downward, inching forward, taking its time to search for answers it finds in a small black book containing pressed orchids and chrysanthemum seeds, in the billowing waves of unlawful (or should be, could be that) passions that stoke the flames higher, higher until it melts into the sand. Narrow spirits represent themselves to you, show their ghastly grinning faces and hook you into that maze of time, lock you into their hall of mirrors, feeling their way through the darkness that splits and twists and cracks the thin veneer of glass and hope, vaguely tinted jade and clover, singing sighing wishing lying shattered though your dreams may be, your eyes plainly reveal your fears and tell them to the world. Heart freezing in your throat, mind clambering, questioning, aching for rhyme and reason to this puzzle, this battle of wits and whimsy, seeking the stone-blind truth or dare, for you see it's all a game you just can't win or care to lose. Sailing on that choppy breeze that shifts and bends and waits its turn, lines up to take the final blow from the hangman's noose, if you only keep it in perspective you'll shine someday on that batch of toasty-hot footsteps slowly behind your necklace and poison hollow out your insides blue-feathered limestone sitting on your hands. Blow a shriveled kiss from muddy fingertips and stagnate the already icy water with your thoughts of septic daiseys and watery eyes of blood and rain. Lighting that endless tunnel is the vision of your mad desire, she breaks the locks that bind you, unwinds the clock from its nest of scrambled eggs, reaches out in the darkness for your frigid fingertips and claps your hands together to hold you in your safety net. You crawl out of that grimy putrid lair that once held you restless captive and squint your eyes at that sunlight, that silken streaming sunlight, ever dreaming you stand before its rays and raise your palms in prayer. Turn to see your saviour, but she's no longer there, an empty space once filled leaves only the faint scent of sassafrass and the echo of her star.