
Wrap yourself in my silhoutted shape of dandelion leaves coming to possess you whole, drink in the slender form that waits by my gate. Strike a pose of endless wonder futility threatening to swallow me into the eternity you weave, delightfully marking the one true blue way you've come to hold, far away in your hollow castle of air and dried silk petals floating on the wind, forever in your grasp. Consume my endless lust, shape the one you want to be into the dark recesses of our future placement covered in dust, shuttered outside to the world. Dare to pour your limestone heart by my feet of clay, washed in a tide of sympathy regretting the day we ever met, praising you to the skies on a silver-skinned path we once shared. Charred and brittle though you seem to be, I hold you gently in my pocket, waiting for the day you see with another's eyes all that you are likely to behold in my persimmon smile, lemon-tinged with desire and quicksilver tongue. Sink into the inky depths, flash those ivy-singing eyes, and let me claim you with righteous devotion, as you were meant to see.