Object of My Perfection

Bathed in the splendor of purple mist

Twilight sprays its slender glow on the rose-tipped

Mantle that takes its place among your star-drenched form

Sending me on a wave of delight

Glorious idol bound in chains of silk

You take my breath away with your pristine soul

I long to wrap myself in the dusty pearl-dropping fabric

Surrender to the ferality of your eyes

Driven to caste myself upon your slab of slate

Take the fallen angel wings I hold close to my heart

And touch the holy ground on which you stand

Forever sitting in your shadow

Content to simply trace your footsteps

Gaze at the serene countenance you scatter around

With your midnight eyes and shining grace

Speaking in tongues only I understand

Your golden throat and silver voice

Take me prisoner in honeyed tones and endless appeal

With your waterfall smile and ink-laced fingertips

Painting me in a thousand points of light

Breaking throught the barrier of my deception

Seeing throught the looking-glass heart and eyes of stone

With your unlimited love and your core of steel

Stinging me from afar, affecting with your phantom presence