Peter and Betty Lou

Peter was a quiet boy

Reading was his only joy

He had a mind none could destroy

And a heart so pure and true

Peter lived a quiet life

Free from care, free from strife

Til he saw her with the knife

A nymph named Betty Lou.

Betty Lou was dressed in black

Silver chains across her back

A panther on relaxed attack

She killed the very air.

Peter thought her quite alarming

Boldness in her manner charming

Never capable of harming

Her solitary stare.

Peter looked at Betty Lou

And said, “That’s the girl for you,

If only she weren’t four foot two

She balances like glass.”

Betty Lou was pretty wise

Stealing him with vixen eyes

He thought her Venus in disguise

And so he made a pass.

Peter didn’t see the action

Blame it on his pure distraction

Little Betty slew by fraction

Cutting out his heart

As she held it bloody beating

In warm hands with chill defeating

And found it such fun worth repeating

She thought, “It’s just the start.”