Positive Neutral

Always sunshine

Always sparrows

Mellow attractiveness, lazy longings

Scrambled receptions

Pink plaid daiseys

Searing calm

I taste lemons

Five is navy to me

Always normalcy

Always consistency

Maddening solitude

Easy comfort

Quiet is gladness

Lily laughter

Dreamy smiles

Always hope

My thoughts wander

Echoing calm

Lightly turning, whispering calm

Shades of shadows float

I float beyond a dream

Fire and snow

Water and salt plays a tune

I listen

Understanding and not

Always feeling

Always fluid, straight

Juniper bells and smoke

Make a pattern in the frost

I trace and know

And like its feeling

Pure, honest, wonderous clean

Fresh, new, open

Rarity of jewels

Free of ambition

It is

Slim birch shakes

I dart ‘round the tree

Elusive as a mist

Always innocence

Always purity

Water is your idol

Paradox of truths

Loveliest of truths

I bend to shorten time

(The only thing I lack)

Quickens my pulse

One grass blade

Sliding up

Short breath

Happiness breaks

And you rejoice in it

You are for it forever

No limitations in life

Muttered tears

All is well

And you’re happy.