Time Wasted

I am indestructable

That’s what mother always told me

I am the last great hope

That’s what I never knew

Stand in the rain, wipe the smile from my face

Wipe tears from your eyes

As you sigh

Let me see where you keep your heart

(If you keep one intact)

Let me map the constellations

Time’s running close at your heels

Better jump into the Milky Way

You’re such a little thing

(I can be tall for both of us)

You can be lost for yourself

Irony just cuts you to the core

I give you strength you don’t have

You give me patience I don’t need.

I don’t want you as bad anymore

(I tell myself over and over again)

You space out my emotions into a single thought

You ground me completely

Lose me to the sky, please

You don’t know my need to fly

And I don’t think you ever will

Oh it’s not time wasted, if anything a chance for growth

I think I’m not an acorn anymore

So why can’t I let go?